Leather IWB sheath for Sebenza?


Apr 14, 1999
I've come to the conclusion that the clip has to go on my large sebenza. I much prefer it with out the clip.

So, how to carry it?

I was thinking of a leather sheath designed like an IWB (inside the waist band) holster for a pistol. Right hand, strong side with a forward cant.

Has anyone out there made one or designed one before? If so, I'd appreciate some pointers before I have a custom leather rig made.
If there is a good solution for this I would appreciate if it could be posted here as well.
Are we talking about open or closed knife? Either way, I would like to see some info and pics too.
I realize it's not IWB but it is nice to have another way to carry without the clip and this looks like the answer to carry for sweat pants.You could even dangle the lanyard out of the pocket or make a pinch cord for the knife.http://www.masterofconcealment.com/pgroup_details.php?pgroupid=1115 I am working on one in kydex but with a removeable money clip and or pen or flashlight. Lifter4him is working on a similar one and could supply you with a leather sheath for your Sebbie.Dave could come up with something Id bet.http://hometown.aol.com/lifter4him1/myhomepage/business.html......R
Thanks for the leads guys. I'll send out some emails after work.

I'd like to carry the sebenza folded with the tip up. I'd like probably about half of the knife in the sheath and half of the knife exposed above the pants line. For attaching to a belt, I was thinking of a loop type setup that secures it to the belt. Like a Milt Sparks setup maybe w/ rivets or snaps. Maybe a reinforced (spring steel or carbon fiber or ...) opening for easy return to sheath. Basically, exactly like a quality leather IWB holster from a good custom leathersmith.
V-1, You are a mind reader. I have been looking for exactly the same thing. If you find someone, please post, before I go custom as well. Thanks. Tuna out
As much as I'd like to take this project on I have to decline. I just started making sheaths and this request far exceeds my limited skills. Let's face it, I'm no Milt Sparks!!! V-1, I hope you find someone who can do this because I would love to see the result.
I'm going to have contact some custom sheath and holster makers. See what kind of designs and pricing they come back with. I'll let everyone know what I turn up.

Does the company that makes leather sheaths for the CRK fixed blades do custom work?
V-1 I read a post somewhere that they will not do sheaths for CR knives from individuals, only through CRK
Originally posted by bagman
V-1 I read a post somewhere that they will not do sheaths for CR knives from individuals, only through CRK

Well, that's one less on the list. Thanks for the info.