Leather sheaths fitting Carothers knives CPK

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Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
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Nov 29, 2012
Hello ,

Resisting a couple and adding a couple 👍

Prices include usps priority shipping. Payment by check or money order, please 😃 How I work this , I ship you the sheath. You can test fit and check it over. At that point if your happy we can do payment👍 If not we’ll figure out shipping to return.
First up are sheaths fitting the Basic FK5 or BFK.
Top to bottom
Burgundy English bridle, tooled/stamped
Burgundy English bridle
Russet skirting leather SPF
Burgundy English bridle
All have kydex tip protectors

Next CPK Kephart leather sheath SPF
Burgundy English bridle tooled / stamped
Kydex tip protector
$100.00 SPF
Next two CPK boot dagger sheaths
One brown one black, both English bridle
Black has X loop & kydex tip protector
Brown has X loop
Both will accept 3.3 ulticlip slim or mummert clips.
I believe there’s enough hardware one sheath to mount the clip in place of X loop.
$100.00 SPF
The brown has a scare on front that was there from tannery.

Questions comments please fire away 👍😁
More pics available upon request

Thanks for looking 👍👍
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Excellent work !! Each of those is beautiful. They look like they’ll compliment the knives themselves perfectly.
Do you ever have sheaths available for out-of-production knives, like the FK1, FK2, or HDFK?
Currently I’m working off a list for sheath work. Sheaths I have here are usually extras. Last month I did have an FK2 sheath. I am lucky enough to have those knives here. So I can make sheaths for them. Shoot me a pm if you have any questions. Or we can email , text , talk 👍
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