Living with the Cuda MAXX


Jul 20, 2000
I just felt compelled to write this. I had one of the first of the Cuda Maxx's to come out last spring. They were extremely nice and in my estimation upped the bar a bit for production folders. I've had several more over this past year but ended up trading them off. The one I currently have is one I've had for 4 or 5 months. I had ordered a couple of these at the same time and somehow a combo edged one ended up in the wrong box. I thought about sending it back but never did as I had put it up and out of sight is out of mind.

About a month or so ago I got it down and decided to carry it a bit. I'm not wild about combo edges but with a 5.5" blade you wind up with 3.25" of plain edge. I noticed right off the bat that the lock up was extremely good on this one. The locking bar came over to cover about 1/3 of the blade tang and after a few hundred openings on my part it still does. It also has a little "stick" to it so that you have to make a conscious effort to unlock it and that is fine with me. Another plus was the centering of the blade, as it was centered. Even after I have taken it apart a few times it still goes back together with no change in lockup and no change in the centering of the blade.

I have taken it apart to customize it a bit. All my customization consisted of was mirror polishing the pivot, screw heads, and the blade stops. I used my handy dandy Dremel tool to do this and must say it turned out super nice. The blade has been polished countless times as I've sat watching T.V. or as I sat in front of the computer. "Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish" has added an almost mirror finish to the blade and I'm just waiting for Bodycote to reopen it's doors to the GP. Lastly I've tightened the pivot about as tight as I can and the blade still glides open, albeit with enough thumb force it does! That is helped along by the fact I used the Dremel with a polishing wheel and polishing compound to do the inside of the titanium liners and the blade pivot area on the blade. It really does make quite a difference.

As I said I felt compelled to write this because the Cuda MAXX is indeed my favorite production folder. I'm mostly into custom tactical folders and framelocks but the MAXX is almost custom quality and I generally carry it with me safely riding in my vest pocket unnoticed and out of sight. It is sorta fun to pull it out when the father-in-law ask me for a pocket knife to cut some tape!:D
You and me got the same Maxx.

All those things you described are the same observations I made about the Maxx i currently own. After examining several (all-plain-edged) Maxxes and being a bit disapointed with the lockup and centering of the blade, I found my combo edge one in a local shop. I was absolutley astounded by the fit an finish, it was like you say, perfect lockup and centered blade. I think the fact that they are both combo edges happens to be a cooincidence and it is not like the combo versions are better.

I share your sentiments about the blade having adaquate amounts of both cutting surfaces to be useful. I dont have trouble sharpening it either. I found myself becoming biased to serrations altogether after frequenting this forum. Then I shook my head and asked myself what I really thought and I answered...serrations are cool, I can sharpen 'em, they cut like a somanumbatch, they even look pretty neat. But like everything else they can be done wrong, and I can dig that some combo edges are just silly crapola.

I took the clip off mine (mostly case I liked the grip better without) and carry it tip up in my pocket. I have never had a problem with it opening by accident and I am not concerned. It is so flat and wide it rests in the pocket quite nicely. I tighten mine all the way and it is still smooth. No bladeplay in any direction whatsoever. I pollish the blade so dern much it is just about a mirror finish like yours. It is a popular knife amongst my freinds, it makes quite an impression.

I really need a dremel tool, hopefully i will get a job soon so I can get some new toys.

Long live the mighty Maxx!!!!
Hey SW that Dremel is a miracle tool! Sounds like ours may have been made back to back! It is quite a coincidence that two combo edges turned out as ours have, but I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles. I'm just glad now that I did not send it back and kept it. I have not really used the serrations on the MAXX but they look like they would be great cutters with their construction of two small then one large scallop. Sharpening is a breeze for me with the Sharpmaker and this knife is without a doubt the sharpest knife I have. The clip point bowie style blade on this knife was made to slice!

Anyone else out there with a combo edge MAXX...........let's hear from you.
I own a plain edge Cuda Maxx and I've been very happy with it. By your descriptions it sounds like mine has a couple of differences. First the frame lock moves over so that it completely covers the blade's tang such that the outside of the handle lies flush with the blades's surface. However my blade isn't centered and even after adjusting the pivot tension the blade doesn't touch the sides of the handle's inside but it isn't centered either. When open and locked it has just a tiny, slight amount of play along the plane in which the blade swings open.

The thing that I've been considering doing with the Dremel is to add some serrations on the part of the blade that is used to flip it open. That surface can be a little slippery if my hands are wet or oily.
Hi Art!
When they came out I wanted one in a plain edge like most everyone else, and wanted to get one at one of the gun & knife shows as there are no B & M knife stores here, and wanted to be able to handle the one I wanted to buy rather than order off the internet. Well went to the big Reno Gun & Knife Show here in Reno last fall, and the only one I found was a combo edged one, and knowing the dealer from whom I have bought many knives from over the years at the shows he gave me a heck of a deal on a combo that he had brought, and said nobody wanted it because it was combo edge. I thought I can always get another down the road in plain edge, and at least I would have something to play with, and like I said got a deal on it(his cost)just so he could turn it over. So brought it home, and started playing with it, and the more I did the better it got on lockup, and smoothness. And as long as the blade is it still gives you enough length for straight edge cutting.
I like you am much into customs, and have handled the custom versions, and just could not justify the $600-$700 price tag for the custom version when I have many other customs I would rather have. And after playing with this one for the last few months I don't think there is a great deal of difference in quality to justify the $$$. Don't get me wrong here as I have 3 other Darrel Ralph customs, and appreciate their quality but this knife is different.
This one production in particular has turned out to be one heck of a knife, and blade stays centered, and action is great, and I have not even done any mods to it.
I am also very pleased with my combo bladed Maxx :D
That is my story, and I'm stickin' to it :D

I got one of the first batch too, although mine is a plain edge. I've carried it as my EDC everywhere except work (where there is a 4" blade limit) for a year now. I have not used it particularly hard, but it has handled every task I've thrown at it, large or small, with equal ease and efficiency. This is a production folding blade that really can do it all!

Kudos to Darrel Ralph for a brilliant design and to Camillus for turning it into a production blade without cutting any corners.

--Bob Q
I own a plain edge Maxx, and I love it too! :D

It's a lot of knife for a little amount of money. Plus, the fit and finish is top notch. The producting version is only a hair behind the custom version! :eek:
I owned one of the first custom Maxx's that came out a couple years ago and it was an awesome piece no doubt. But as I have handled the Cuda about the only differences I can really see is that the Camillus uses a little thinner stock on the titanium and the blade, about .010" on each. I also bought an Aftermath a few months ago but just couldn't keep it as I could not justify the extra $$$ when I had the Cuda MAXX that I bought new for $101.00 and change! Ended up trading the Aftermath for the LDC-5 that know resides in my right front pocket:D :D :D

I really think this is one of the best deals in the production folder world, as long as you want a long knife that is. Not a whole lot of others out there with anodized titanium framelocking action and D2 blade steel for an average of $150.00!!
I just got the Maxx in the mail yesterday. Last night I carved up an oven stuffer roaster like it was buttah. I like this thing! I believe small knives are more practical (blah blah blah) but big blades are more fun. The Maxx will let me pack a big blade on the trail, on a road trip, or around the yard without looking like I'm trying to be Daniel Boone or something. Who would have though one could carry a Bowie around without anyone having a clue? Thanks Camillus!:)
I don't think I mentioned the fact that the Cuda MAXX is a very easy knife to carry. It will disappear into your front pocket or rear pocket without a problem.
I had a Cuda Maxx, and regret trading it off. It is definitely one that will have to be replaced. I really enjoyed the ease of carry it offered, as well as the reaction it got when I whipped it out. Definitely one of the best crowd-pleasers!:D The lock-up is unrivaled in most any production arena, and I would never hesitate to put one to the test. Yup, a folding bowie knife, for sure. All the benefits of a fixed blade, in an easily carried/concealed folder. Man! I miss that thing!

I took the clip off mine (mostly case I liked the grip better without) and carry it tip up in my pocket. I have never had a problem with it opening by accident and I am not concerned.


Becareful reaching in your pocket! Good friend of mine just had hand surgey becuase of carrying the knife loose in the pocket.

dont own any comboe edge maxx's,but im carrying two plain edge versions today. The clip point and #2/200 sabre ground version.
i love showing these bad boys to people. its incredible how wide their eyes get! ;)
Originally posted by Sidewinder

Becareful reaching in your pocket! Good friend of mine just had hand surgey becuase of carrying the knife loose in the pocket.


Oh I am very careful. And I followed the thread in the cammilus forum with the nasty horror stories and tales impendng casteration. I treat the knife with a bit of extra respect due to its proportions and design. It is not a knife to be carried lightly.

I also find the clip point is not only an excellent slicer but the acute tip penetrates very well and is good for getting cuts started.

Maurice- The only thing better than carrying the Maxx is carrying 2 Maxxes. Very nice.
Now I know why my 4" dagger bladed mini Mad Maxx isn't selling at $450.00 shipped - a knife that sold for $600.00 new just a scant few months ago.

Ahhh - but what a knife!! This is one of the fastest opening, strongest locking and with a straight up excellently ground blade. The false edge is tapered in a way that has to be seen to be believed. A genuine hand made Maxx for a lot less than new, but in a condition that keeps on keeping-on, as they say!

I put some serrations on the part of the bolster that your finger pushes on to flick it open. I used my Dremel tool and I'm very happy with the results.

The serrations give my finger a better grip on the steel even if my hand is wet or slippery. On top of that the serrations allow me to properly index the blade without looking at it or in the dark.
I just got a stiletto blade Cuda Maxx. I'm still getting used to it, but it locks good and tight. I really like the lock and the thumbstuds, this is a high quality knife. I usually carry Emerson CQC7s because of their size. The Maxx is just huge, but very slim- a lot easier to carry than my Cold Steel Black Bear Classic, even with the Kenny Rowe shoulder rig. And the blade is nearly as large.
The simple but elegant design is incredible. It works flawlessly, and the large grip fits well in the hand. I think I've found a new daily carry!
Originally posted by stripey357
.... The Maxx is just huge, but very slim- a lot easier to carry than my Cold Steel Black Bear Classic, even with the Kenny Rowe shoulder rig.....

Kenny Rowe shoulder rig? Are these on display on a website? :)
I got one of the first plain edge bowie blade Maxx's. I was lucky to get one that was deep blue when others complained about the washed out scales on theirs.

I'm still very impressed with this knife. It's not something you open in "sheeple country" unless you want to anger women and make men swoon. It's legal carry here in Texas and I carry it often outside of work. I carry inside my waistband just along side my right hip. I balance that out with a Spydie Civilian for weak side carry. Figure if I pull out both of them I should be able to scare off most goblins.:D

At the end of a day's carry I often forget I've got it tucked inside the waistband.

Last night I noticed mine was a little tight opening. This was caused by the pivot screw getting tighter (first time I've ever had that happen) and some pocket lint. A slight adjustment, cleaning, and lube brought it back to slick opening.

The knife is a tribute to Mr. Ralph's design genius and to the Camillus engineering and manufacturing capabilities.

I've note several times at the Camillus Forum that a four inch Maxx with clip point blade would equal a Sebenza at half the price, no if's or buts. That comes from a guy who has owned two Sebenzas. I've got a Dominator on pre-order. I hope it can measure up to the same quality and design perfection of the Maxx.
It's really too bad that there are no Darrel Ralph factory collaborations that are around 4". On the one hand, we've got the Mad Maxx at 5.5", and then on the other it's the GX6 at 2.75". Maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet, rob a liquor store, and get a custom at around $600...