Locking UK Penknife ?


Biscuit Whisperer
Super Mod
Mar 15, 2000
I know Sal mentioned somewhere that this variation might be in the works.

Just wondering where this one might be.... concept phase, proto phase, etc.

And of course, wondering when we might actually see one.
Guyon said:
... wondering when we might actually see one.

Me too! If Sal will make a knife that's identical to the UKPK, S30V and G-10 (or even pee-ply CF!!), but with a lock like a Calypso, I'll take three!

Sal talks about it a little here-
sal said:
The current "in-house" names are the "Caly 75mm" and the "Caly 63mm". The 75mm is waiting on a concept model.

I think it may be out the middle of this year.:)
Thanks redhawk44p. I'm waiting on that one the same way I waited on the Para. Might snag a couple instead of just one. The UK Penknife comes close to being the perfect EDC. Carrying it today in fact. A lock would put it over the top.
Guyon said:
Thanks redhawk44p. I'm waiting on that one the same way I waited on the Para. Might snag a couple instead of just one. The UK Penknife comes close to being the perfect EDC. Carrying it today in fact. A lock would put it over the top.

I agree with this 110 percent! Including the "waiting on this like I waited on the para" part. And the para is the only knife that I really waited on!
I will definitely get a locking UK penknife. No question about it. That, and (I hope) the new improved Lum Chinese with ZDP steel and hard anodized scales...and (Sal, please consider, I'm sure Chris Reeve wouldn't mind and would support in fact) as a framelock!!!! With traction grooves on the thumb rest and bottom of the scale near the pivot and with a 3.25 inch blade configuration, that would be my holy grail Spydie.

ok, back to the locking UK penknife....sign me up for one! but please no burgundy :thumbdn: :grumpy: :barf: coloured scales. Just plain black G10 or silver twill G10 is fine.
This is one of my dream knives:D Although I only carry one at a time, a locking UKPK paired with a Dodo would make a KILLER combination, no cutting task left unsliced!!!:cool:
Sal, anytime you'd like to chime in and confirm....

ETA of March/April would be most encouraging. :D
Hi Guyon,

I won't have a proto until FEB so MAR/APR is not likely.

More like early summer, if all is ok on the proto.

It's a VG-10 lock-back. Either single bolster or no bolster. If the first one is accepted, we'll tool up for an FRN version.

There is also a plan for a ZDP version.

Sal Glesser said:
Hi Guyon,

I won't have a proto until FEB so MAR/APR is not likely.

More like early summer, if all is ok on the proto.

It's a VG-10 lock-back. Either single bolster or no bolster. If the first one is accepted, we'll tool up for an FRN version.

There is also a plan for a ZDP version.


Sal, just joking around about March/April. Good to see that the proto is in the works though.

If you get time to check back in on this one... Was the VG-10 decision (rather than S30V) about affordibility? For me, and others here apparently, the UK has it firing on all cylinders. Just interested in how/why features will differ (aside from the lock).
We would make the model in Seki. VG-10 is the best from Japan, IMO. (other than exotics). It also permits a ZDP version from the same maker.

S30V would have to be done in Golden, and we've got quite a few projects "in the works" in Golden.

The Caly's were made in Seki. I think we'll be able to provide an excellent piece.

Got it. Thanks, Sal.

May be my chance to try some ZDP. Never did get on the Caly ZDP train.
Oh man, and I was hoping for an S30v folder:(, but it's safe to say though that I will buy any Caly Jr. I can get. Though my Caly's are fine, I hope the warping problem get's fixed.I know that the VG-10's Caly's and ZDP has had that problem. Thats the main reason I wanted the flat grind S30v.
Sal Glesser said:
Hi Guyon,

I won't have a proto until FEB so MAR/APR is not likely.

More like early summer, if all is ok on the proto.

It's a VG-10 lock-back. Either single bolster or no bolster. If the first one is accepted, we'll tool up for an FRN version.

There is also a plan for a ZDP version.


Great news Sal but....

Will there be a fully serrated version too of this one?

Sal Glesser said:
Hi Guyon,

I won't have a proto until FEB so MAR/APR is not likely.

More like early summer, if all is ok on the proto.

It's a VG-10 lock-back. Either single bolster or no bolster. If the first one is accepted, we'll tool up for an FRN version.

There is also a plan for a ZDP version.



Will be be seeing a new name with this latest UKPK-based generation of the pattern?
Sal Glesser said:
We would make the model in Seki. VG-10 is the best from Japan, IMO. (other than exotics). It also permits a ZDP version from the same maker.

That's great news. I prefer VG-10 over S30V, and a ZDP version would also be very nice indeed.
