Long Legs, Short Torso... dammit, can't reach my knife!


Doggy Style
Apr 13, 2002
I've taken to wearing a 7 inch blade on my belt but I've run into a little problem...
The fact that I have a short torso and long legs means that my waistline is sorta high and I have trouble getting a good grip and then clearing leather. I've no problems with gunleather as most holsters are canted forward and although I twist to one side in the most awkward drawing pose, the muzzle clears fast and easy.

The blade, however, is a different story. If I twist like I draw a heater, cold steel twists in the sheath and ends up damaging the sheath and sometimes hanging up. It's also a bicth to get back into the sheath. If I lay it crossdraw, it's too far away to get at quickly. If I lay it in front of me, then I can't squat or bend over. A drop sheath seems to be the only option, but most of these systems seem to lack stability.

Perhaps a rig that lays it right across my chest?

Anyone have similar gripes?
Yup, I have some gripes...and I think that my solution might be good for you too :) While your wasitline is "high", mine is, err, "wide" :) This makes it difficult/uncomfortable to carry a knife in a "high ride" position, especially since I risk cutting myself upon withdrawal...IWB carry is out of the question! My solution: across the back carry with a Bladerigger Spinal Backup sheath, like the one pictured below.


Same problem here! I've never really tried a quick-draw, but whenever I carry a big blade I always have to do some contortions to get it out of the sheath, plus the handles always poke me in the ribs. It's very annoying, I feel your pain.
RL, while that's a nice rig for concealed carry, it's useless when camping, and downright painful if you're carrying a rucksack, or backpack which I carry almost all the time. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I want one now...LOL...A strongside carry is best for me, but all I need is an extra two or three inches in the sheath department. The Kabar sheath is nice because it puts the pommel at waist level. Any higher and it's unbearable.

Specifically, my problem is with the Cold Steel Military Classic (Randall model 1-7 copy) and the Chris Reeve Project 2 and Mark 6 knives which all put the middle of the grip at waist level. This raising of the knife by only a few inches makes the difference for me.

On that same note, has anyone tried the Blackhawk Industries Airborne Deluxe Sheath? It sits the same as the Kabar sheath, but may be worn as a drop sheath as well. I'd like to know if the option is part of the sheath, or if an extra "extender" part is required (like the Eagle Industries version).

Also, the blade on the Project 2 is half an inch longer than the Blackhawk or Eagle sheaths can accomodate so I guess I'll hafta rig something up to take care of that... Perhaps Kydex of some sort...
I like the drop leg position when large knives are carried with a pack also. I actually bought a nice drop leg holster from SOE for my 1911 and found I could mount a knife sheath on the upper thigh strap, with an extender loop of nylon made by me to attach to the belt also, for added support. I went with this mounting idea after reading a post in the Strider forum by Mick. I wish I could remember the post. So basically my field knife rides in front of my 1911 on my strong side thigh. It works well, but puts all the weight on the right side, and puts the knife quite low. I have a 36" inseam so it is no problem for me. You could keep the belt on your hip, strongside and draw the knife with a reverse grip, making the draw out of the sheath a little easier, then change grip after the draw. I find that helps me draw a larger (9" and above) knife from the right hip when I carry it there without any other items there. Just a thought.
Originally posted by MelancholyMutt
...A strongside carry is best for me, but all I need is an extra two or three inches in the sheath department. The Kabar sheath is nice because it puts the pommel at waist level. Any higher and it's unbearable.

It sounds like one of Bob Dozier's wilderness sheaths is just what you need. Go to his page and click on the bottom left link marked "New! Wilderness". He can make you a sheath just like the one he provides with his wilderness knife customized for any fixed blade you like. The belt loop will provide the lower height you want and the thumb release on the kydex makes for a very fast draw.

--Bob Q
Try Bud Nealys MASS System it's basically customizable, the Dual-Lock
is strong we used to mount computer equip. with it this stuff is like velcro on steroids:eek:


RL, RoadRunner, Schmoopie, ArchAngel, bquinlan, Mad Hungarian, ZENGHOST... Thanks for your replies and suggestions... You guys are the greatest....
Originally posted by MelancholyMutt
RL, while that's a nice rig for concealed carry, it's useless when camping, and downright painful if you're carrying a rucksack, or backpack which I carry almost all the time.

Hi MM,

Hmmm, I never tried that...but a true Knife Knut would "dress around" his knife :) Seriously though, I'd still give Bladerigger a call...James will custom make a sheath to your carry needs...heck, he already makes sheaths for virtually every part of your body e.g. forearm, calf, back, chest, shoulder, hip etc. You can see some examples at the link below (be sure to see his semi-custom and custom carry systems)


Originally posted by MelancholyMutt
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I want one now...LOL...

As an aside, I notice that you like camping...have you checked out the Crawford Survival Staff:


Heh heh heh, it's not like I'm that little devil on your shoulder encouraging you to buy cool things or anything :)

Originally posted by RL
...have you checked out the Crawford Survival Staff:
Try the lower section as a walking stick with a Crawford Push Pick for a t-handle. My brother called it my war hammer, but you can spin the Push Pick off to stab with and still have that massive stick in your other hand.
If the knife doesn't have to be concealed...How about attaching it to your pack strap?
If concealment is a concern, maybe one of Mike Sastre's Southern Comfort sheaths (or one similar, the design dates back to the 1800's)
Tuck the sheath between you & your belt. There is a pin that keeps it from falling down past your belt. The belt will keep it tight enough to carry, but loose enough to move around. This works on either hip and the small of the back.
You can cant the whole shebang when drawing to clear the sheath. An added bonus is that the sheath will move as you move making it pretty comfortable. Also you don't have to undo your belt when you want to remove the knife, like when you get home.
Try it with the sheath you have. The keeper snap/strap should prevent it from slipping down. While it won't be as convenient to draw, it will demonstrate how practicle the system is.
This is also the sheath style that comes with the Bagwell Hell's Belles bowies.
Try it, you might like it :D
M.M. -- the leather sheaths I'm making for the Swamp Rat 4, 7, and 9 inch knives use an extended lip which extends up from the throat of the sheath, covering the bottom half of the handle. The keeper strap is secured over this lip, which keeps the blade from cutting the strap, both when drawing and when sheathing. May not sound like a total solution to your problem but I'm 6'3" and wear 32" length jeans -- sound familiar? Works for me because with the strap out of the way I can draw and sheath the knife without worrying about cutting the strap off. Knife just slides out and drops in.
I'd post some pics but my host is down for (???). Maybe you can find them on Swamp Rats home site, or here on BF under Makers forum
Your height to inseam ratio seems pretty intense, but I'm 5'8" and wear a 30" inseam... that's 2 inches less inseam on 7 inches less total height. now, that's almost a freakish disproportion.