About two months ago I went to Tulsa Gun & Knife show and bought $1,500 worth of knives (some Microtechs, Axis, Pinnacle, Pullens, and MODs), including two Axis and a Pinnacle that some friends asked me to buy because they couldn't make it to the show.
On the way home I had to change a flat tire in the highway, and started unloading my trunk, including a plastic bag containing all the knives. I must have put the bag under the car, because I missed it when I put everything back. And I took off...
Well you can guess the rest. I went back there in the middle of the night with a friend and the biggest flashlight I could find. Couldn't find it. I still slap myself in the head everytime I think about it. The worst part was that I had to refund my friends' money. Duh!!