Lynn Griffith and the Patrolman


BOUNCED EMAIL: I need to update my email address in my profile!
Oct 3, 1998
Like many of you, I had seen a picture or two of Lynn Griffiths knives on this forum
I then went to his web site a few times and poked around. The more I looked the more interested I became. I finally emailed him about looking at some of his knives. He responded quickly. I couldnt get back to him for a couple of weeks. Finally on Sunday 9-26-99. I called his shop (sorry for buggin ya on a sunday Lynn
) and asked if I could come and look at some of his in stock knives. I wanted to see if they were as good as he made them out to be. Well, let me tell ya, that phone call was the first positive thing about him. Lynn was extremely nice, he wasnt like "sure, come if yoer gonna buy" . He was more like talking to a good friend from the start. We mainly talked about knives in general. I had a feeling I was dealing with a staight shooter from the start. I made the hour and twenty minute drive over. He had his in stock knives out for me to see. Even though it was Sunday he was not the least bit put out. He made me feel very welcome. I took a few of my personal knives I thought he might want to look at, and we talked about those for a while. He gave me a tour of his shop, explained to me what the various tools and steps were invovled in making a knife. I asked questions, he was more than happy to answer. Ok, on to the knives. I got to handle a sniper, unfortunatly it had just been sold. The knife I ended up choosing was a Patrolman. Mine came with white bead blasted micarta scales. They add a touch of class to an already good looking knife. These knives are small, but the grip is surprisingly comfortable. The more you hold it the more you like it. The handle design makes for an incredibly secure grip. I will have no reservations about using this knife as hard as I want to. The 4 inch blade has grooves cut in the top to help aid in grip and control. I dont know that they are really needed as the handle is such a good design to begin with, but they do add to the overall look of the knife. The grind lines are perfect, as are the micarta scales. His knives really have to be seen to be apprciated. He does an exellant job of making a small, compact, but highly useful knife. Its small size does not mean it is at all delicate, this knife will handle some serious work. So many small knives out there are small, and they feel to small for working knives. Not Lynns, it feels bigger than it is, and gives you all the confidence you need to use it. It came with a Kydex sheath. Lynn makes some good sheaths. There are many optional carry modes with just small attachments avaliable for the sheaths. I opted for straight neck carry. The sheath is very secure, easy to draw from and no bigger than it needs to be. I could go on all day about the man and his knives. If you need a good, compact, hard working knife, dont hesitate to call or email Lynn. Even if your not ready to buy, he loves to talk knives. Next month there is a big gunshow in Tulsa that Lynn will be setting up at. If there is any possible way I can afford it I will definatly be adding a Sniper to my collection. Ok, end of ramble
See ya next month Lynn

(sorry for buggin ya on a sunday Lynn

I assure you, you did not bug me. I really enjoyed having you over. You welcome any time. I look forward to seeing you at Wanemacher Gun Show, if not before. Thanks for the wonderful reveiw.

Thanks again,

Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website
Discounts to Police and Active Duty Military

Richard, I hope you didn't leave any smudges on my Sniper

Thanks for the review, I look forward to adding my own.

San Francisco, CA

Dont worry, I didnt finger print the Sniper. I commented to Lynn that it would make a good throwing knife, so he let me try it out on a brick wall

Just kidding, I admired it though.
St. James,
That was your "Sniper", that he got take a look at. He said "I should of got here yesterday". Several people that called to get afer you said "I should have called earlier" I look forward to your review.


Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website
Discounts to Police and Active Duty Military

hooo boy, I can't wait to get my "Tactical Hunter" (did you re-name the Large Hunter yet Lynn?) I just keep hearing better and better things about the man and his knives. Keep it up, LG, and we'll keep buying 'em up!
I think "Tactical Hunter" has it. Does that sound good to you? I don't remember who first mentioned it. I like it though. I look forward to you getting your "TACTICAL HUNTER"


Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website
Discounts to Police and Active Duty Military

I think "Tactical Hunter" has it. Does that sound good to you? I don't remember who first mentioned it. I like it though. I look forward to you getting your "TACTICAL HUNTER"

pete goonis is the first one as far as I can tell. He submitted that name on Sep 10, 11:50 pm BF time.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by David Williams (edited 02 October 1999).]
Not to jinx Lynn or his customers but we all discussed other names which were discarded as sounding too nasty. "Tactical Hunter" may have been chosen with an eye toward court proceedings, but I can still hear a lawyer saying:
"So you were carrying your "TACTICAL HUNTER" on the night in question?"
"Ah! And as the name suggests, this is a knife which you had custom made for hunting human beings, was it not? You make me sick."

Hoping this never turns out to be more than a joke . . . .

"It is not criminals who enter schools and shoot children . . ."
--Ann Pearston, British gun control apologist and Moron
Boy if Gwinny is right then, maybe Lynn should name his knives the Bakerey Box Opener or the Letter Opener.

Lynn, lets change that Spec Ops Bowie you're making for me to the Special Bread Cutter Kitchen Companion.

Sorry....I'm in my anti-PC mood tonight but I'm sure there is some validity to what Gwinny is saying. It is a sorry world that we have to worry about stuff like that.

Oh...and the Sniper is now the Flower Sniper.

Sorry all...forgive me. All in jest.


I thought the sniper was for hunting the ever elusive "snipe"

~ JerryO ~
Lynn, "Tactical Hunter" sounds great. And as far as defending it in court, I'll be using my Tac-H (pretty cool, huh?) primarily for hunting, so I doubt it will ever see the inside of the County Building. But that is a good point about the way a lawyer could use the name. I guess I'd better stick to carrying my "Carnivour" instead!

"I'm tired of going over this. They're INVESTMENTS!"