Micarta or wood on the Purebreds??


Sep 20, 2001
Hopefully, I made the cut on this deal. If so, I'll be needing sheaths and handles. I was wondering if anyone knows someone that could make some handle scales for these bad boys. Then I'll have to get some leather or kydex, but I think I know who can hook me up with that. Any ideas?
I'm gonna do a Strider style para-cord wrap and a Chris Reeves coil knot D-guard and turn those PURE BRED fighters into combat MUTTS :eek: :D

Or maybe just leave 'em NAKED and and were 'em as NECK KNIVES!

Or how about some nice striped snakewood scalessssssssssss

Or Jerry how about makin some sweet WHITE paper micarta scale for us :eek: :cool: :eek: That would look cool, white on all black
utah you got spotted fever?? have you been sleeping with wood ticks again????

sssssssnake sssssssssskin???:cool:
I have a few pieces of some maple,cocobolo,and white micarta.Maybe wrap some.Not sure yet I'll wait and see.How about ivory or stag?Lots of options here.
I would be curious to hear what you guys think is the best handle material for the fighters... given the nature of the fighter's design. There are plenty of choices from canvas micarta, to cord, to bone, to wood, etc... maybe even titanium if you can find a good source.

I plan on making this a very usable knife... not safe queen here! So I will go for something that is grippy when wet and rock solid.

Long live the fighters!
I like the Strider wrap. Black cord wrap on these blades would be awesome.
I like the strider wrap too, I just can't do it! I'll look into the link you posted Eric. Thanks.
I got off the phone with the Blade Babe a few min. ago. I'm in for a 6&8 set and they might just ship out with my MoFo! I've never got a box o' blades in the mail before. This also ups my Busse count from(don't laugh you hogs) 1 to 4. :eek: I still have a LOOONG way to go, but I'm getting there:D
Strider website shows pics on how to wrap handles with cord.
There are alot of choices so my advice would be to take your time.I mean before you go and glue some slabs of wood down etc.