My husband LOVES his Para!

Jan 10, 2006
Just wanted to thank you all again for your suggestions and let you know that the gift went over fantastically well. He was so impressed that I actually remembered that he likes Sypdercos. I thought I had given the surprise away when, the night before his birthday, we were watching Lost and a character had a Spyderco and we both yelped, "That's a Sypderco!" at the same time. He looked at me suspiciously because I'm not supposed to know anything about them! :D

I guess the knife he originally had was the Pro Venator, CE, SS w/ grippy inlay. It slipped out of his pocket on a fishing trip as he was trekking through the brush.

Anyway, he warned me that now I have opened up a can of worms with this Spyderco :eek: He wants to collect them all now. I have never known him to spend money on just "stuff" but he is obsessed with these knives. At least I know what to get him now for every holiday!

Next up: Delica 4 for him and a mini-folder for me, maybe Cricket!
Obsession Therpy is located at the 2nd door on the left. Don't worry, we've all been there. :D
That is great! Good job emkin. I held a Cricket last night for the first time. Big mistake!!

Excellent!!! :thumbup:

Maybe you might want to take a look at the Dragonfly for yourself. My girlfriend carries one and loves it.
Glad your husband likes his Para :thumbup:

You won't regret your Cricket( neither will your hubby for that matter, it's a great little big knife :thumbup: )
I remember your thread and I think I was one of the ones that was pushing for the Para. I am a big fan of the Para but I have to warn your husband that even if he collects all the Spydercos, he may not find one that does everything as well as the Para. I think if I could only have one knife it would be a Para.
What's not to love?



"At least I know what to get him now for every holiday!"

Can you believe that I didn't get a knife or a gun for X-mas? I gues I am gettting too picky. My wife just wants me to pick it out and then buy it because if she picks it out, it will either not be the right one or she will pay way too much. It is nice to hear that your husband likes your choice but with advice from guys here, you are at least getting some inside info from guys that like knives.
Thanks for the update!! That is awesome!! I want to welcome you BOTH to the addiction!!
Spyder bitten! Good on you. Glad the gift was well received.

I'm thinking of the following myself: Pacific Salt, Delica 4, Calypso III, H-1 fixed blade.

Thank-you for posting an update here, we really love hearing how things go when people ask about knife suggestions.

By the way, you are now permanently changed, havign been bit by the Spyderbug. Here's proof from your post!

"Pro Venator, CE, SS w/ grippy inlay"

You are speaking fluent spydertalk now :) Only real knife knuts know what CE, SS, PE, EDC, and all that jazz means.
Only real knife knuts know what CE, SS, PE, EDC, and all that jazz means.
You think Spydernuts are bad? Hope over to the Busse page. Half the posts there are in acronyms or abbreviations. :D
Ahh, you guys are all so great! I definitely could never have picked out a knife like the Para without your help. I go for the more flashy ones myself and I originally thought the Para was rather plain - no design on the handle, PE is boring - but I did love the Spyder logo on the blade. All the knives should come with that little feature!

I knew I was hooked on these knives when I kept visiting this forum daily, even after I ordered the Para :p

A Salt is definitely coming my husband's way since he is my little waterboy. And I'll check out the Dragonfly; thanks for the suggestion, HoB.

By the by, has anyone ever checked out the Spyderco facility in Golden? We live near there and I'm wondering if they have tours or anything cool to check out...

no tours but the store is said to be nice and a fun place to see
take pictures and post if you go as i have never been there