My PBF's Wrapped (pics)

Mar 20, 2002
Well here they are, a big thanks goes out to David Dempsey for doing a excellent job on the blue rayskin wrap:D Man do I love these knives.:D

Congrats, those look incredible. I really love the blue. Can you give us a little info, like cost and turn-around time?

Thanks for sharing the pics :D:D
I've asked David if it's ok to post what I paid to have this done, if it's ok with him I'll spill the beans:p. It only took about 2-3 weeks and that was because he didn't have the blue rayskin onhand:cool:
Very nice... yeah I would love to know the cost... but also have new handles in the works for my own... take II.

raden, if that is my six inch PBF, you can send it back now ;)
Raden, those are beauts! Could you post some close-ups on the wrap? I have a naked Killer Bee in the mail. I've got a good idea as to how to wrap up a handle, but a little more help would be nice.

those look great, very nice job!

ok, who is David Dempsey? does he do this for a living, how do i get ahold of him, where is he at, does he make knives, only handle wrapping??? huh huh huh ???????:cool: :D
Dempsey is one talented SOB! He does great wraps...chime in David! You deserve a beer for that job! Awesome Raden!
I found David here on Bladeforums. I was searching for someone to wrap these and I simply asked him after I saw some of his knives in the Knifemaker's Sale forum. His website is He was a total pleasure to deal with, I can say that I wouldn't hesistate doing business with him again and again.
Man, he did a beautiful job on those blades. :eek: Those things look outstanding!
Hey All,

Received a note from Raden and wanted to drop in real quick and say thank's for all the nice comments. I enjoyed doing the job for Raden (Thanks's again Raden) and will consider doing others on a limited / individual basis. I'm a full-time maker and have a pretty substantial backlog of orders currently, so taking on additional work stretches me a bit thin.

Enjoy Raden and thank you for sharing the pics.

All the best to each,
Glad you stopped by, that is really some great work. :D:D

I might be emailing you once I get some other projects taken care of ;):D:D