Need a good quality knife for everyday carry/use

Mar 10, 2000
I'm not really new to knives, I have lots of generic crap knives with various blades, I know my balisongs as well and have several quality balis.

I just need a knife that will take everyday wear and tear that is well made but not expensive. The only quality knives that I own are an old swiss army knife that I have used/carried in about 6 years and a Buck crosslock (with 2 blades, not just one). I liked the look of the CRKT stiff K.I.S.S. but when I held it it just felt like it lacked something. I don't want an expensive knife, maybe something in the $50-80 range. I was at a knife store earlier today and the man working there said that BM, Kershaw, and a couple of other manufacturers jack up the price simply because it was made by BM (Elishewitz, Pardue, McHenry/Williams etc) which I expected but always seems to disappoint me, I don't buy a knife because of the maker, I buy based on materials, quality, size, and price (as many of you guys/girls do).

OK, after reading all that crap you're wondering when I'm gonna shut up, don't worry it'll be over soon.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm looking for a tactical folder, not really a fixed blade right now. Thank you for your help.

"It takes a stop a killer"
What happened? Balisongs no more fun?
J/K If your patient, you might be able to pick up an aftermarket BM axis lock for about $80. If your into BM's, you could pick up a 800Afck for a tad under 80, and also possibly a Styker.

I also suggest look into CRKT knives and Spyderco's. You might want to check out the KFF, Point Guard and/or the Endura/Delica's. Both have great prices, quality and worksmanship.
THIS would be MY suggestion.


CRKT Crawford/Kasper Fighting Folder.

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663

[This message has been edited by glockman99 (edited 08-27-2000).]
Bali, i would second the suggeations of looking at the Spyderco or CRKT lines, as well as Outdoor Edge for some high quality, inexpensive tools.

I would like to clarify, however, why the BM's you refer to are expensive - not because BM makes them, but because of their designers. Most of these are called "custom collaborations", where a custom designer teams up with a production factory to make a mass-production, more economy priced copy of their custom designs. BM making them actually makes them cheaper (in price). A good example of this principle in action is the CRKT Crawford/Kasper Fighting Folder. The real (custom) KFF will run you in excess of $200. The CRKT version can be had for $40. Materials and fit&finish are not handmade caliber, but for most people's purposes, will serve you as well as the 'real' one.
cool, thanks for the correction. It does makes sense that since Elishewitz created a knife for production that it would cost more.

One thing that I have heard from several of my friends (police officers and firemen) is that they're Spyderco belt/pant (whatever) clip comes unscrewed easily and they have to continously retighten it, is that true for most Sypercos or just if you loosen it once or twice?

"It takes a stop a killer"
I second the Spyderco suggestion, especially a Delica in any blade configuration. Or, if you want something more comfortable and with a supposedly better steel, go for the Calypso Lightweight, Jr. It's gor VG-10, a cool texture, a cool looking clip, is the same length as a Delica, but w/o the distinctive "hump," and has the same Calypso ergonomic grip, but in zytel. The price is a little higher, but I think it's worth it.
Originally posted by BalisongMan:
One thing that I have heard from several of my friends (police officers and firemen) is that they're Spyderco belt/pant (whatever) clip comes unscrewed easily and they have to continously retighten it, is that true for most Sypercos or just if you loosen it once or twice?

I've never found that to be a problem, nor have I heard it's a common problem.

Urban Fredriksson
Latest update: Calypso Jr Lightweight

"I've always been fascinated by Scandinavian knives [...] they're simple, in an advanced way".
- Bob Loveless
I've never had a clip problem either, but folks here suggest Loc-Tite on the threads as a fix if you do.
I experienced the clip problem with my C40S Jot Singh Khalsa.
One of the screw loosened almost out of the box and it was not possible to retighten it.
As I live in France I did not send it back (it tooks almost 2 months to come) but I kept it as it is, without clip.
Anyway, I think Spyderco are great knives and I believe my problem came from handle material : micarta.
BTW, I am proudly wearing a CRKT KFF all day long and I think it is unbeatable for the price.
What's all this about Custom Collaborations jacking up the price? I don't believe that's the case. CRKT can offer tons of really nice collaboratiosn (of equal at BM/Spyderco quality) for less because of the materials they use. AUS6M is tons easier to machine and finish than ATS-34, 154CM, or M2 (or Spyderco's ATS-55, AUS-10, VG-10 and 440v). The majority of CRKT's handles use Zytel which I believe is molded while BM and Spyderco with tend to use Aluminum and G-10 (both of which I'm guessing are more expensive and harder to machine). And when you get down to it CRKT's liners are thinner than BM's or Spyderco's and are not as strong.

Now, whether or not cutlery stores in the local mall intentionally overprice Benchmades, well, I don't know. None of the Remington stores around me have decent prices on *any* brand of folder - at least not when compared to on-line retailers or larger sporting goods stores.

As for a good affordable knife, if you don't mind AUS6M most of the CRKT models (like the Kasper above) are good. My favorite is still the Al handled, AUS8 bladed M-16 in spearpoint with the Carson Flipper.

Benchmade's Ascent series is pretty nice, plus you get ATS-34 steel with an adjustable pivot pin. As some of the other's have said Spyderco has some nice offerings in that price range. The Native in 440v is a great knife, as are the G-10 Rookie (if you can find any around) and the Delica/Endura.

Cold Steel's voyager series is supposed to be pretty good although I've never owned one.

Don't overlook Outdoor Edge's Magna and Impulse. The Impulse is a little more radical in design but really fits the hand well and the fully serrated models rips through just about anything (not to mention it's built like a tank). The Magna is a big hunk of a folder designed by Kit Carson as a production version of his Model 4. The Zytel handled version easily comes in under $80 and I think the Aluminum version is right at $80 from on-line dealers.

For the money, any Spydie knife would work for you! Most are under $100 and are a hell of alot of knife for the money. I rek/mnd Native for everyday use. tough piece, and will really stand up to wear and tear. What's more, you can buy two for around $90 !!!!

Steve in NYC

What we do today in life...echoes in eternity...
I have 2 suggestions. The Spyderco Rookie with G-10 is nothing to look at but with G-10 and ATS-55 it's a great knife. I have beat mine to where it should have snapped and other than a little curve at the tip of the blade it still looks great. I keep trying to kill it and it just won't die. I hear they are going to be discontinued, but they're still available for about $70.00. Second choice which is also an excellent knife is the BenchMade 720. I have the knife of the month with G-10 and a serrated blade, but the standard aluminum handled version non black coated can be had for about $87.50. It's a little over your listed range but has a bigger blade and a neat locking system. There are many more great knives out there, but both of these 2 have and still are serving me well...Ed.

I may not be a rocket scientist, but I like knives...
Right now I am liking the CRKT Crawford/KFF, the CRKT M-16-14, and the Spyderco Endura. I just need to take a trip to a knife shop and spend a long time holding and contrasting the knives, I also need to check out some BM knives and maybe some other Spydercos.

Thanks everybody, if anyone has any other suggestions I would be happy to hear them!!

"It takes a stop a killer"

[This message has been edited by BalisongMan (edited 08-31-2000).]
All of the knives mentioned here are excellent for the money. The CRK&T KFF is definately a bang for the buck. I am not crazy about AUS-6 steel, but it works well for the price point. The spyderco endura is a good performer that wont hurt your wallet. Smokey Mountain Knifeworks had $39.99 Rookies and $42.99 Standards. Here is the thread with the contact info:

Rookie and Standard thread

They may still have some left. At that price I would get one of each.

In the $90 price range I would recommend the Spyderco Wegner.

For around $120 you can get the SERE 2000. My personal fave. This knife is great.

And for $145 you can get the Microtech LCC. I don't have one yet, but others seem to be singing its praises.

If you are willing to spend a little more, I would recommend the SERE 2000

Dennis Bible