Need a Herbertz knive

Mar 5, 2001
I live in England and wish to get hold of a Herbertz knive. Could someone please tell me how i can order them on the internet - the problem however is that for safety reasons most companies do not send knives to Britian

I would really appereciate if someone could throw in some links related to what i'm looking for.

My email -

Best Regards,
Herbertz are the United Cutlery of Europe supplying every known pattern available to loads of companies worldwide. You should not have any problem locating one.
Originally posted by Strider:
Herbertz are the United Cutlery of Europe supplying every known pattern available to loads of companies worldwide. You should not have any problem locating one.
-Thanks for your reply, but you see once a blade is more than 7cm, the knife becomes illegal according to British laws. So unless it is some miniscule combination of a handle and a blade they won't sell it to you in the UK.
I was hoping therefore that perhaps one can order it online and get it delivered over here but it seems to be not that simple either...

Best Regards,

Hello Nikolai,

I am from Belgium, and I could get you a Herbertz knife if you like. I have a few, and I consider them crap, especially if you are used to spydercos and Benchmades.

If you are in the EU, a package is not inspected by customs, not even in England.
Free transport of objects, persons and currency.

Now..which herbertz would you like?
Does it matter if they are second hand?

You can E-mail me if you wish to discuss a trade/sell of knives.

Greetz, Bart.

"If the world wouldn't SUCK, we'd all fall off !"

You can E-mail me at any time....guaranteed reply !

member of the BKS
"Herbertz is the United Cutlery of Europe"
- like that, too true. They have their BIG share of junk.
get a small Spyderco such as a Delica, they will be worth their price. I´d buy from (English site, Berlin firm, no shipping charges in the EU), (German language site) or (German as well).

"Peace is not without conflict; it is the ability to cope with conflict" - Leo Giron
Thank you very much to all who replied and finally got me convinced that Herbetz knives are pile of crap.
If so maybe you can recommend some other decent makes. Just any brand that makes decent quality folders or automatic ones.

Best Reagards,

What price range are you looking at? In the less the $100 (US) price range, street price US, there are a lot of good choices.

Spyderco is the best choice for a sight unseen knife you haven't held in your own hands. Their quality control is very good and, the materials and workmanship at their pricepoints are among the best. They offer about any blade profile you could want.

If you give us more details on your specific intend use and desires, we can narrow the field a little more and point out specific features and models from any of several reputable sources.

Stay Sharp,