Need a HOG to finger this one

007 Agent ZZero

Gold Member
Jan 23, 2006
I bought this little bad boy off of Sod a little while ago and was wondering what steel it was made of. I am sure most of you saw his post trying to ID the steel. I got it yesterday and was ecstatic to see the INFI dimples on the butt of the knife. The edges of the knife are also all radiused, not a sharp corner anywhere!!! I am a little confused, I though Apprentice MS only came in A2 and 5160? I took some pics, anyone who knows anything please run over these pics. Is this a good AMS, or a MS that was stripped/modded? I am pretty surprised at the grind lines too, perfectly even. Great score in my eyes, I am just looking for a little history here. Thanks HOGs.

I am not a Hog, but...

The fact that is has the flared fasteners makes me wonder if this isn't a stripped and ground Mean Street and not an Apprentice knife. My guess is that someone had the front talon hole ground off for one reason or another.

Rick - more speculation
...With some modding!!! :D Should be INFI as I wouldn't think it to be an Apprentice knife... Funny, my brain is telling m to say that I THINK that this might have been Bravado's at some point... I'm NOT sure about that part, BUT he has a PhD in 'INFIology', maybe he might know its pedegree better... I have one without the Modding...


I hope this helps ya!!
HNY2007!!! :thumbup:
Definitely looks like an Infi Apprectice with the Talon hole ground off to me.:thumbup:
I'll take that as fact, and stand corrected. :) I'm too new to notice the finer points still on a lot of these fine Busse's! I did just notice the 'dimples' on this one... Mine is smooth, no dimples. :)
Definitely looks like an Infi Apprectice with the Talon hole ground off to me.:thumbup:

1-I've never seen an apprentice knife made out of INFI.
2-I've never seen an apprentice knife with the tube fasteners.

I think it's a modified MS.
1-I've never seen an apprentice knife made out of INFI.
2-I've never seen an apprentice knife with the tube fasteners.

I think it's a modified MS.

I think what Bravado might be saying is that it isn't INFI? What's the apprentice steel? 5160? ... With a doublecut finish, I'm guessing. Again, I'm still a 'piglet', myself... :D Mine is a regular M St. ergo.
1-I've never seen an apprentice knife made out of INFI.
2-I've never seen an apprentice knife with the tube fasteners.

I think it's a modified MS.

Well I've never seen (probably never will either) a million dollars but that don't mean it doesn't exist.

Mine is a regular M St. ergo.

The standard mean street is just that, a MS (mean street).
Leave the E (ergo) off.
The later versions were the Meaner street (MrS) and Leaner Meaner street(LMrS)
The E (ergo) handles refer to the handles on the BA-E, SH-E, and BM-E. Plus a few others like the Euro 4, 6 etc.
There was never (I know never say never) a MS-E.

The standard mean street is just that, a MS (mean street).
Leave the E (ergo) off.
The later versions were the Meaner street (MrS) and Leaner Meaner street(LMrS)
The E (ergo) handles refer to the handles on the BA-E, SH-E, and BM-E. Plus a few others like the Euro 4, 6 etc.
There was never (I know never say never) a MS-E.


Thank you! :o :D I'll remember that. :thumbup:
That looks like a Infi MS Apprentice.... I use to have one Identical with tan canvas slabs