Need a pocket sheath/pouch for pocket folder

Aug 31, 1999
Some of you may remember a short time ago that I was expecting a modest windfall of $100 for quitting smoking, (an employment perk) and I wanted to buy a nice EDC folder for casual/office use. Thanks to the input of many, hours of research, and over the last few weeks, more than my fair share of bandwidth time and Budweisers, I decided on the Spyderco Kiwi. It appeals to my senses of new and high tech, as well as my past life as a hopeful farmer, riding the hay rack with my trusty Old Timer stockman riding in my pocket. The Kiwi should (I hope) fit the bill quite nicely.

My question is:

Where do I find a decent pocket sheath? Do I attatch a fob, or can I find a sheath with a clip? I'm not sure where to go on this little quest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Buy a William Henry clip case for around $12. They are perfect for carrying a small folder clipped inside your pocket in a sheath.

Nice score on the Kiwi :)
If you want to get something really nice made, send it off to Kenny Rowe, and he can make you a pocket sheath. He recently made me two, for a large stockman and a cattle king sized stockman. They are absolutely gorgeous, and you can have your choice of leathers, or have him choose for you. I let him choose for me, and he came up with ostrich leg for one, and elephant for the other. Both are stunning. I cannot recommend Kenny enough.
Farmboy, email me if you want some specifics.
For the Kiwi I would recommend the calfskin pocket pouch from Chris Reeves Knives for the Umfaan. Even though the Kiwi is slim and lightweight, putting it in the Umfaan pouch makes it dissappear almost completely.

I've lost my FTP connection at the momment so can't post a current pic, but here is a thread where I have posted a couple pics.

There is a pic at the top of the page that shows the Kiwi in the pouch, and about halfway down the page is a picture showing the Kiwi open next to the pouch.
Here are those pics:


Lifter's Leathers has done some excellent work. Worthwhile to check him out.
Wow,......thanks for everythin so far, fellas!

I emailed mongo on his source, and I would like to ask about the William Henry, Chris Reeves, and Lifters Leather. Do I buy direct from these vendors, or are they through a distributor? Any ideas on how to contact?

Also, do any of the aforementioned sheaths have pocket clips, or do they ride deep in the pocket?

The Kiwi arrives Monday, and it will ride NAKED ;) in my pocket until a sheath is selected. (Sans coin or keys, of course!)

Oh, I love those pics, BTW!
The Reeve cases are really nice and excellent leather but they do not have a clip, I'm sure one could be added though.

Here's a pic of the William Henry clip case. The leather is a little stiff but breaks in with time, the clip on it is very stout and I have bought a couple just to use the clip part on other projects.

Any William Henry dealer should be able to sell you just the case. Check the dealer forum or 1SKS.

Here's a crude pocket sheath I made for my Allen Blade Chipmunk using a William Henry clip and some oil tanned leather.

Threw it together one night before leaving on a business trip and it's worked out so well I never made another to replace it - after all it is inside my pocket.

Originally posted by Boink
Lifter's Leathers has done some excellent work. Worthwhile to check him out.

I'm with Boink. Dave will make what you want for reasonable bucks. - Lee
Please tell us where we can buy that beautiful Kiwi case you show in your picture. I must have one. If you wish, you can email me.
Prof. Ed
Originally posted by Prof. Ed
Please tell us where we can buy that beautiful Kiwi case you show in your picture. I must have one. If you wish, you can email me.

Reread the thread. ;)

It is the leather pouch for the Chris Reeve Umfaan.
Thanks Steven.
I forgot to mention that I also suffer from "Brain Farts"! Overly medicated:D
Hi Farmboy,

I just got my Kiwi the other day and it came with a suede case, way too big. So, I put it in a Colonel Littleton case and it fits perfectly. My wife told me to try this case after I told her that I wanted to buy a Reeve case!

Smart lady! Plus, it is inexpensive.

Look under his knives section. The cases are great. I have four and about 7 or 8 of his knives.

The Colonel is a nice man. He sent me stories to help teach some creative writing.


Prof. Ed
Lifter4Him(Lifter's Leather) provides EXCELLENT service with high quality custom work and materials. I recently received two Buck 110 sheaths from him and I'm VERY satisfied with them. I liked these sheaths so much, that I'm planning on getting another done in the future from this great guy. I know that he wouldn't have any problem with making a sheath for your Kiwi. ;)