new Case knife pic. looks sweet

Jun 21, 2002
Looks like Case has a new folder coming with a thumbstud and pocket clip, I always wondered when they would try it. I hoped if they ever did it they would do it right and not go the way some other traditional knife companies did and end up with junk and it looks like case did it right looks good I can't wait to see them.

I'm sure that there will be alot of traditional slip joint fans that will see this as a mockery, but I think that it looks awesome. I have long awaited an SAK with a clip. Maybe this is a step in that direction. I just hope that they leave it a slip joint and not a liner lock. Every Russlock that I've handled has had HORRIBLE blade play.
Yea I don't care for the Ruslock at all other than the history behind it's design the knife it's self just does nothing for me but can't say I have seen many with blade play although it's a standard with sliplocks to have blade play shouldn't on the Ruslock. I think this new one looks nice will be interesting to see one in person.
I like em!! :) I have a few Cases, but wouldn't carry them as an EDC b/c of the lack of the thumbstud and clip. Any idea on MSRP?? Cases knives really seem to vary in price.
Don't know yet badguy, have not seen the new Case book it's laying there at the store will look though, just saw these in Blade and was impressed with the look of them. Just off the top of my head i would say...I have no idea, I suck at guessing :)
Originally posted by TheBadGuy
I like em!! :) I have a few Cases, but wouldn't carry them as an EDC b/c of the lack of the thumbstud and clip. Any idea on MSRP?? Cases knives really seem to vary in price.

I think pricing is gonna be around $60 +/-. The pic in BLADE looks great.
They look great. I'd definitely buy one of these, if they have sharp tips. And CV steel. Well, I can dream can't I?
This knife looks really nice.

I too have been wondering when Case would try to expand into this segment of the market. I'm hoping that they choose a "named" stainless for this. That'll be the one thing that people will dog it for. Also, it'll be the thing that will keep many people, who want it for EDC, from buying it.

It has a kinda' Solingen made (vs. Bradford, PA) made look to it.;) Maybe???

Either way, it sure does look like a nice knife.
Thanks for sharing NGK.

--The Raptor--
Sorry folks, the news on the Case forum is that it will have Case's famous surgical steel, and it is a liner lock. The factory will probably ship early in March.
Well guys,
I am not too sure I like the steel used in Case knives. I had a couple and they seemed too dull fast. They did sharpen easily, and got sharp.
I use to joke about why I needed 3 blades.
Cause of the way they dull so fast. You always needed a replacement.
I got a Uncle Henry now, actually its not much better.
I was thinking of the Cold steel knife that I saw in Blade, March issue, ( on page 14)
Somebody said that the handles were real cheap. so now I dont know.
I been carrying a slip joint cause it is more (( PC )) then, for example, if I whip out my Kershaw 1550 st and "flick my bic". You should see some customers eyes pop out. They must think I am a mass murderer.
Originally posted by Wirebender
Sorry folks, the news on the Case forum is that it will have Case's famous surgical steel
Well, there goes one of my dreams. I guess it's just a matter of time until we find out the points are as round as a golf ball as well.:(
Off topic, but has anyone tried putting a high quality custom blade in a case knife before? I wish that would use more carbon steel and Damascus my favorites:D
I found it interesting that the ad for the knife appears in the issue of Blade that features the article "Throwback Folders". They even had a quote from knife proprieter Brian Huegel saying "I don't think we'll see Case, for example, putting a thumbstud on the CopperLock." The poor guy got blindsided by Blade on this one.
Add my name to the growing list of disappointed people when I learned of the steel to be used in this knife. :barf:

This knife has the potential to be one of Case's best knives, and they choose to use the same old junky 420 stainless. Come on Case, at least use 440C or Chrome Vanadium.
Originally posted by Danbo
This knife has the potential to be one of Case's best knives, and they choose to use the same old junky 420 stainless. Come on Case, at least use 440C or Chrome Vanadium.

I think 440C would be a good choice for this knife.

I think Case doesn't seem to quite see the big picture. I know they think that if they use a higher priced steel then they'll have to raise the price of their knives so high that no one will buy them.:confused:
I think that while their arguement deserves some merit it still doesn't float with me. I can't seem to understand how it's possible for so many maker/manufacturers to use such great steels in their knives and still stay in business but yet Case is different???

If they would just take a chance and make a knife, like this one, and use a quality stainless steel in it's construction, then I truly believe that many people would buy it.

W.R. Case & Sons has the potential to be even bigger & better than they could ever imagine if they would only step into this millenium and join the rest of us.:confused:

Don't get me wrong, I really do love their current knives, I suppose mostly for their aethestics and collectibility, but I would also love to see them start to produce real user knives (folders & fixed blades as well). So many people are practically beggin them for this but yet they continue to ignore all the signs. Unfortunately it's not just their loss, it's our as well....

--The Raptor--
1st this Case's 1st step towards this market so you can expect a learning curve.

I would also love to see them start to produce real user knives

I would gamble to say that Case has made more "real" user knives than BM or Spyderco put together have. The purpose in the steels Case use is cost, the general market for Case (excluding their collectable lines) has always been the working man, someone who uses his knife everyday at work and when it gets broken or lost he was never out so much he couldn't afford another one. Case's steels may not hold a edge as long as the super steels out there being used but they sure as hell will get sharp as crap using a old rock laying in the front yard with the right hand working it. This is the reason my grandad always did and still does carry a Case knife. Simply put Case is traditional. I'm glad they are attempting to make a knife for those of us who like the pocketclip and thumbstud I don't expect it to be a Benchmade, Spyderco or a Chris Reeve knife I expect it to be a Case knife which is exactly what it looks like.
Originally posted by Danbo
Add my name to the growing list of disappointed people when I learned of the steel to be used in this knife. :barf:

This knife has the potential to be one of Case's best knives, and they choose to use the same old junky 420 stainless. Come on Case, at least use 440C or Chrome Vanadium.

Make that two of us!! I like the looks of the knife, but I would like to get it with a CV blade.
Please don't get me wrong. I too understand what Case and their knives are all about. I don't take issue with their current product. I'm not a fan of their "SS" but I do understand why it's been used for ao long. What I'm talking about is this new knife. Yes, it is still a Case, and I'm glad for that traditional look and feel, but I would still really love to see a more desireable steel used for this particular knife. Why not make both?? Then there would be the affordable "stainless" knives and also the more higher end "stainless" knives for those who want it. I suppose either could be user knives, it would just depend on what you want from your knife.

--The Raptor--