Nice big knife

Oct 26, 1999
what's a nice knife with a large blade? I'm looking for 8-10". I generally prefer more traditional style knives, I especially like stacked leather handles, or wood. There used to be one by Buck, called the General, but I would also be open to pricier options. Maybe a Randall, or a CR (how about the Nkonka, eh? I think that one is spectacular) I really do ususally prefer Stainless blades (call me lazy). Anyway, what does everyone like?

Thanks, Nathan
For traditional large, fixed blades, you will never go wrong with Randall. They also hold their value like few others.

thanks, those ARE beautiful knives, I like the laminated blade, and the oxhide hadles, thanks for the tip. Pricey, but sounds like they're worth it.
I don't think it really matters whether a knife is stainless or non-stainless as far as how well it will hold its value is concerned. The popularity and availability will be the main factors in how well a knife hold its value.

Though I am not usually a big fan of Cold Steel knives, I think the Laredo Bowie is one of the nicest commercially made bowies on the market. This knife is also available for well under the MSLP on the internet. The blade is 10 1/2", so it is slightly longer than you mentioned being interested in, but it is a worth taking a look at if you like traditional Bowies.
How about one of the Ontario/Bagwell knives? I have a Hell's Belle (11 inch blade), and I find it to be an excellent knife. Something smaller like the "Gambler" might be just what you are looking for.

when I asked about value holding on stailess vs. 01 I was referring specifically to Randalls. I am under the impression that the 01 blades, assuming they are not stained, have a higher value