. No reason to ever carry a knife!

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that is funny, the knife turn in box was ripped off...

I don't really understand the whole coward namecalling, but if knife violence really did increase 50% it seems perhaps he's at his wits end?

here is some decent info on the 'larger' trend, over the country from the past 9 or 10 years... it does seem to be a lot, but a telling statistic is only about 6% of violent crime involves a knife

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It's always problematic to comment on something that you're not directly affected or involved in. As far as I can tell it is largely a London problem, and at that it's a problem in areas that already have social issues. The knives used have been largely cheap kitchen knives anyway, and when it became more difficult to use those Gangmembers moved to using acid as a weapon. The Mayor is simply doing what a lot of politicians seem to be doing: Put bandaids on something that would require more work something doesn't immediate come with good PR from the majority of the people who don't look further into an issue and just go by what the Daily Mail/Sun tells them.
Knife crime as a whole is a problem in Europe here, in part because a knife can be used as a weapon and is an easy go to choice for criminals while at the same time it's simple something the news can easily latch on to simply because 99.99999% of the time a knife is used as a tool but when it is used as a weapon in a crime it is so unusual that it is news worthy. Since nobody would read a million articles on a million websites reading "Men cut carpet to size using boxcutter" or "Neighbor opens package with swiss army knife". But that once a month incident about a stabbing that gets clicks.
As people said it before, knives aren't the problem, the people using them wrong are the problem, and solving their problems would be a lot more difficult than just banning the tool of choice.
Righteous governance relies upon voluntary compliance . Police states always fail due to gross inefficiency .

True criminals don't abide any laws and love laws that deny citizens any effect defense . o_O
Everyone needs to live in a padded pod, with a feeding tube and air shaft, complemented with a waste jettison hatch. Add an internet connection and peephole.
Rising crime is always a cause of concern.
As much as knives on the street might seem alarming these days, it is only criminally minded or the insane who would use them to commit crimes.
I simply cannot imagine that every knife carring person is immediately considered to be of a villainous nature and would be suspected to be up to no good...
Things must be particularly bad for a "turn in box" to be broken in to. It certainly puts yet another nail into the knife issue altogather.
Hope the people feel safer knowing that the real issue is really about curbing theft and robbery with injuries and murder as a consequence thereof.
If only there was some Arena where folks could go to discuss Political issues like this one...

Also, the search function is your friend, there have been numerous threads on this precise thing.

Don't read it if you don't like it. Not the same article, no politics involved, comprehension is your friend.....well, maybe not your friend.
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Los Angeles has these stupid "gun turn in, no questions asked" for a $100 gift card programs.
Only people that turn in their guns, are gang bangers that used them in a crime. The guns are subsequently destroyed. No law abiding citizen turns their guns in.
I guess anything is a political policy if you look at it that way, maybe I should change my screen background to black so you don't accuse me of being racist too. I was merely posting the article pointing out the box being stolen and find it staggering that you'd get as butthurt as you have and feel the need to moderate others posts. BFD.
Let’s travel back in time when the average London adult male consumed a quart of gin a day. You’d need a bloody gun wouldn’t you. Let’s look at what’s happening today, need one too. Let’s face it arming oneself is a god given right.
Los Angeles has these stupid "gun turn in, no questions asked" for a $100 gift card programs.
Only people that turn in their guns, are gang bangers that used them in a crime. The guns are subsequently destroyed. No law abiding citizen turns their guns in.

Wasn't there a guy on Youtube who built some super crude homemade guns and turned them in for a few hundred bucks? I thought that was pretty amusing.
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