Nuke Logo Knives

Feb 27, 2003
What makes a knife worthy of the Nuke stamp?, Is it only on variants or is it custom shop stuff? or is it really at the discretion of Jerry, and what he wants to Nuke? How do you get one?
Hmmm, what is a nuke logo?

I've seen the old G.P. Busse logo, Busse address logo, new Busse combat logo, anniversary logo, and custom shop logo (which I swear was changed in mid-stream, but can't remember the first one). however I don't recall one called the nuke logo....if there is one I'd love to see it if come one could post a pic.
I see what you mean. To my knowledge that is the custom shop logo just like the Mofo's....but with someone who doesn't know how to operate a laser :D

How about it logo? or a laser out of control?
I think that Logo is the sameas the Busse Custom Shop Logo pictured here. The logo just doesn't show up well due to the tan finish.


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
Actually, we do have a Nuke Logo, but sadly. . . that isn't supposed to be it!

That is the Custom Shop logo applied by an idiot!!!!

Thank you. . . Thank you very much (((thunderous applause and gratuitous bowing))) ;)

The idiot,

Holy Crap've got 1800 post....!!!!:eek: :eek:

That picture of the Desert Mofo does look like a "Nuke":eek:

Cool:cool: Jerry..put one of these on that Machete' you're building.
Originally posted by 1whobuys
Algeria..."More than 120,000 people have been killed in the insurgency launched by Islamic militants after they were shut of out parliamentary elections in 1992."

Sounds like a nice religion to me!?

and over 134,000 camels have become pg since 1992 in iraq, these guys have no religion:barf:
There is a nuke logo!!? Oh boy can we see it, pleeeaaassseee :) Is it available on customs upon request? :D