Oh, what to buy....

Jan 13, 2003
Okay, y'all are the Spydie experts. Point me in the right direction.

I've just got this hankerin' to buy a new knife. I'm not nearly into knives as you all are, but something just got ahold of me and said "buy a knife".

Presently, I have the following: A big ol' SAK needing repairs, a Spydie Navigator on the way here, a Buck (I think) multitool, a Shrade OT Middleman, and a Wenger SAK Esquire.

I'm looking for some sort of category-filler. I think I'm covered in the multitool area with the soon-to-be-repaired SAK and the Buck. I've got my pockets taken care of in the "small" arena with the Middleman and the Esquire. The Navigator will get me something with more cutting power in my pocket.

Frankly, I don't have a distinct NEED here for a particular type of knife. Instead, I'm just kinda looking for some guidance on what might be the next best place to take this tiny collection, all of which I plan to carry as opposed to collect.

Price limit: $50'ish.

Options that I've considered thus far (on eBay): Mouse, Cricket, Dragonfly, Delica. Might even be willing to get two knives, totaling $50-ish. If I did that, I'd make one a Ladybug or Jester I guess. I really don't know the product line very well, so I'm hoping y'all can help out.



Take a good look at the Delica. That was my first spyderco, and it gives you a taste of the excellent VG-10 steel used in the police model, as well as others. Its plenty large for me, if you want something bigger, the Endura is just a bigger version of the Delica. Those two knives are the "workhorses" of spyderco, tried and true desings, and very tough. The other knives you mentioned would be fine, too. Just keep in mind how small the ladybug is, its really a keychain knife. If you ever feel yourself going over the 50 dollar cap, I would very very highly reccoment the FRN handle Native. Its about 60ish, but WELL worth that money, and offers even more than the delica. Hope I helped you a bit.
Given your current inventory (including the Navi' that's on the way and the multi-tools) I'd say get the Delica or maybe an Endura. They fill the niche that the others don't quite cover. My personal suggestion would be one with a plain edge. If you are going to get one on eBay I suggest an FRN Delica or Endura. They can be had for low to mid 40's. Be sure that it is a newer model that has a VG-10 blade and an ambidextrous metal clip as opposed to an integral clip. Hope this helps and welcome to BF.
Thanks for the feedback thus far! As I somewhat expected, two solid recommendations for the Delica. It definitely looks like a nice knife.

Being the open-minded character that I am, I'm still open to other suggestions. Anyone care to jump in with something else?

(Maybe the Anniversary Delica? Only $320 as a Buy It Now on eBay). :eek:

You have chosen wisely. I can't imagine a better knife than the Delica (maybe the Calypso jr. Lightweight, but it's discontinued) :(
Delica or Native. I would suggest a PE Delica with VG10 steel. Awesome. Everyone should buy one, it is a classic.
A coupl'a people have suggested the Endura...

I dunno whether you've seen one of them in person, but if you're accustomed to smaller knives, the Endura will seem _gigantic_. I've gotten used to mine, but it felt like a machete at first :D

If you're primarily a "collector" of small knives, then the mouse'd be a good one to scoop up (it's a good knife that's now discontinued).

If you want a new work knife, then I think the Delica would be a great way to branch out into mid-sized knives.

Good luck!
Originally posted by dialex
You have chosen wisely. I can't imagine a better knife than the Delica (maybe the Calypso jr. Lightweight, but it's discontinued) :(

Thanks for your response.

If price & availability weren't a factor, what about the Calypso Jr. would give it the nod (in your eyes) over the Delica?


The flat ground blade on the Calypso Jr. is nice. However, I favor the Delica because of the tip-up carry. The calypso Jr. is tip-down.

(of course I still have to recommend my favorite Spyderco, the Native ;)
Native with S30V steel. Stronger and more unique knife than the Delica. If you receive it and find it doesn't fit your hand well, return it and exchange it for the Delica. If it fits your hand, you'll like it better. It's a fanstastic, do-it-all, every day carry knife. But the Delica is great, too - just not *quite* as cool.

Don't listen to all these other folks...Get yourself a Spyderco Delica.:). I have a trio of the little critters (2 stainless, and 1 FRN), and I find them to be just the "right size" for most tasks.

Also, it's nice that the Endura and Police models are pretty much the same knife as the Delica (same handle style, same blade style, same lock...), but in larger sizes, so if you need/want a larger folder in the future, you don't have to change the style to get a larger knife.
Between the Schrade, SAKs, and Navigator, you've got plenty of plain edge slicers. How about a Rescue Jr? That straight, serrated edge cuts like a demon. It's a little easier to carry and better balanced than the full-size Rescues. Makes a great "second knife" to complement your others. If you want something a little beefier than FRN, look for one of the discontinued steel-handled models.
So you've got the Native and Delica/Endura as the most highly recommended. In your 50ish price range, I'd spring for the Delica, but if at all possible, your money would not be missed if you could get a Native for about 63ish. Both are great knives, there's just that much more with the Native, I love both of mine.
Originally posted by tarsier
How about a Rescue Jr?

Interesting thought. I am taking up rock climbing, and it sounds like the Rescue Jr. might make for a reasonable knife for the outdoor climbing environment.

On the other hand, I'm sure finding it tough to overlook all those recommendations for the Delica. That trio of Delica/Endura/Native sure is attractive. Don't think the wife'll let me buy all three, though. :(

Any other thoughts? Y'all sure have been helpful so far!

I have a delica and native. I think the delica is perfect for EDC. I use it to slice and dice everything. My Native i carry alongside the Delica. I use it for rope and stronger materials like cardboard. I am getting a BM710HS or Police instead of the Endura because it is stronger for a 4" blade. I have everything covered so far. :) But you can always buy more knives latter. :cool:

After owning about two dozen different Spyderco knives so far, I realize that most of what I want a knife for is found in this model. It's a better all around size than the Endura and just as capable. It's not small, but not too big either. It's just perfect, is all.

The fact that this knife is now made with the remarkable VG-10 blade steel is just icing on the cake, as far as I am concerned. They can even be had in blue if you look around a bit. I understand that these were a limited run. I believe that Blade Art still has some at "www.bladeart.com".

Personally, I much prefer the Delica over the Native.

Musky Hunter,

A lot of the online stores, such as New Graham and Knifeworks, are back-ordered on the 710HS. The plus side to me is that I'd never have found out how cool Spyderco knives are if the 710HS was immediately available.
thombrogan ,

Funny you should say that. :) I called both Roger at knifeworks.com and New Graham about the BM710HS. I am calling and e-mail frequently to see when they will have any instock. Roger is a kewl guy, he actually called me long distance to ask me what i wanted and to talk about knives. I was told by him that his prices are so low he cant find any dealers that will sell to him. I am waited patiently for Roger's call or e-mail:D
Mike and Roger are both great guys whose stores have great buys, but my attempts to get a 710HS from either of them were written off as nice tries. Guess I'll have to be content with an S30V Native, VG-10 Delica, and the finest ceramic Sharpmaker thingies that Spyderco will sell... ;)

You've gotta love an MSRP that includes shipping and handling.