OK you can only have one knife- which one, and why?

Jun 29, 1999
Alright just for the sake of argument, say you are only allowed to have one knife; which knife is it, and why?

Well for me it would be an Ed Fowler custom Proghorn, 4 3/4" fixed blade. Great steel, triple forged, great handle (sheep horn). This knife could accomplish just about any cutting/chopping chore I would run across.

Of course this is totally non-tactical which matches my personality.

If you were forcing me to make a choice regarding a folder I would pick my large Sebenza. BG-42 steel, great lock up....a totally reliable folding knife. One of the best. I'm waiting for my custom Carson Model 4 right now so this is subject to change.


My new large Sebenza. It seems perfect in every way. Has anyone skinned a deer with one? I'll try it some day.
Poor Bambi

Mr. Onsucks,

What a unique choice of knife. I like nailer's response to your handle.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
Only one?! NOOOOOOOOOO! Seriously, I hope I never have to make that choice, but for a folder, I think I would keep my Delica. For a fixed blade, probably my Ka-Bar USMC.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
Oh that's a tough choice there.
I would say fixed blade-my Ek model #3 deluxe w/micarta.
For a folder, my Military (until my Carnivour gets back and I use it for awhile).
But why have one when you can have many???


Hmmmm..., just one!?!?!??!!!!

Just one knife for *everything*, I'd be tempted to choose my Mad Dog ATAK, or Rick Fowler "Indian Belt Knife", or maybe even my Randall #1 in O1 steel.

If I get to have an axe, I'd choose a "medium" size knife... one of the ones I mentioned in the "Ideal knives" thread.
I guess if I were limited to knives that I currently own, and that my life stile does not change, it would be my AFCK.

What happens if I lose it? can I have another "Just one knife"?

A Combat Grade INFI Battle Mistress in a Kydex sheath.

"All of our knives open with one hand, in case you're busy with the other"
Only one knife, and already some folks have both a fixed blade and a folder . . .

It won't work.

By the way, that one knife has to handle all the cooking too. I'm not sure some of the choices above would work well in the kitchen. None of the folders are really suitable.

AKTI Member # SA00001
Thank you Mr. Williams, Great pic! Now all can see the world’s greatest knife. I got the Benza, Halo, 910, 9100, UDT and other assorted headliners, and I don't even have a Vector...Yet! It takes real balls to stand up here and state categorically that it is the one and only for me and not even own one. My ode to the Vector, I think, says it all.

By the way David, nailer's comments is just one of many whom misunderstand my name. You know it's Clint, yaa-sure Clint Onsucks, an old German name from up nort, you-betcha hey.
Greatest knife? Let me see you field dress a deer with it.

If I could only have one, it would be a 3/16" Mad Dog Arizona Hunter. They don't really exist yet, all the standard AZ Hunters are ground from 1/4" stock so far, but they are on the Mad Dog project list, and getting pretty close to the top.

I like the AZ Hunter because it is the most efficient size, 6". It is big enough for virtually any cutting job that doesn't involve heavy chopping, and small enough to be used efficiently for almost any little kitchen chore. Ergonomics are excellent, and the design is perfect for a big hunting/utility knife. It ranks right at the top of the indestructibility scale. The hard chrome blade covering and enclosed tang make it very low maintenance. It takes a great edge and holds it a long time. Etc.

That's my pick.

Only One? Dozier Pro Guide. Big enough to do knife stuff (as opposed to axe stuff or gun stuff), small enough to control. There are certainly others of the same type and size, but the Dozier is the one I have.

solamente uno???

I'm with you Kodiak. Ed Fowler just makes that "perfect" do anything knife.
OK--Harve; I've field dressed all my deer with a Buck Lite, about the same size as a Vector. It did take two hands to split the ribs. Cutting out the anus and esophagus may have been easier with a smaller knife but I've never tried it with a big honking one. Lets see you fold up an AZ and stick in your pocket.
Hmmmm....JUST ONE?! Simple answer: Old Blackjack #1-7" blade with leather handle, or a newer version of this would be the Marble's 7" Trailmaker. Gotta have that simple, strong, reliable fixed blade

I guess I better reply. Don't want anybody to think I want a Vector Also.

Being wishy-washy I'll have to narrow my choice to four. Any of which I would be happy with.

CR Mountaineer II
CR Large Sebenza
Randall Model 5
Randall Model 16

Actually any Chris Reeve or Randall 5"-7" Fixed blade with a clip point or drop point will do.

I can't believe Randall uses 440. Oh well, their knives have gone to the moon.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
What? No more "Knives"!!!!!!

In that case I would only need to barrow a CS Trailmaster for just long enough to fall on it.