On/Scene Tactical Spyderco Perrin Street Bowie Sheath

May 29, 2001
Several weeks ago i contacted Eric(NORMARK) at On/Scene Tactical inquiring about a sheath for my Spydie Street Bowie, as luck would have it he had one left from a run he did on them. First of all dealing with Eric was a pleasure, he sent the sheath out on my word i would send the check. Secondly he responded to all of my annoying e-mails regarding the sheath before i got it, again it just shows you he is good people.

Now on to the sheath. Anyone who has purchased the Spydie Perrin Street Bowie can attest that the sheath that comes with it is less than the quality of the blade, please don't get me wrong the materials are great however the use of the tekloc limits the carrying methods of such a fine concealable blade(making IWB almost impossible)of which Fred Perrin designed it for concealability and it seems to be lacking a very secure fit which i would question in a horizontal carry, again i am not saying the quality is bad it's just that i prefer a tighter fit the length of the blade as opposed to just at the chole of the handle as with the supplied sheath. Some of the questions i asked Eric were in regards to the above Carry methods and Security of which he responded that he thinks that i would be satisfied.

When i received my sheath and opened the package i knew at first sight that this was going to make my Street Bowie Totally concealable and wearer friendly. The first thing i noticed was the G-clip and how it was drilled for multi carry positions and the fine clean lines and low profile design (very thin). The next thing to do was check the fit of the knife, which was perfect. As a note, Eric did a great job in making the whole blade friction fit the sheath so that there is no rattle what so ever.

As i sit here i have my Street Bowie in the inside left breast pocket of my field vest (remember the only poeple that wear them are photographers, knife/gun fighters and I'm not a photographer)with the clip setup for a right hand carry(if it were on my belt). Having it set up this way makes for a very effective cross draw from the inside breast pocket. I have also worn it IWB, outside right hand carry and belt cross draw, i have not found a way that i could wear the knife wear it felt insecure (I haven't tried neck carry yet).

Well i think that is about as much as i can say about an EXCEPTIONAL SHEATH and an EXCEPTIONAL MAKER(and all around good guy) . So SAL IF YOU ARE READING THIS THINK ABOUT ERIC FOR YOUR NEXT PROJECT!!!!

Originally posted by deltaunit

Well i think that is about as much as i can say about an EXCEPTIONAL SHEATH and an EXCEPTIONAL MAKER(and all around good guy) . So SAL IF YOU ARE READING THIS THINK ABOUT ERIC FOR YOUR NEXT PROJECT!!!!
You'd be thoroughly surprised then ;)
I'm not saying more.
Hey Glenn...

Thank you very much for a very thoughtful review..

I'm very happy that you are satisfied with the sheath for your Perrin Bowie...

The Spyderco Perrin Bowie as far as I'm concerned is one of the nicest fixed blade designs they have made.. Easily my favorite...

I hope the sheath does it job for you for many years to come..

Thanks again..:)

As for you other guys..

Cut it out...:)


Hey Shootist...

No pics yet..
I'm in the middle of chaging the design...
Try to get some taken in the next day or so...

