Opinions on CRKT Stiff K.I.S.S.

May 22, 2000
Bought one over the weekend. Very light. Blade length 89mm. Comes in a zytel sheath that provide you with multiple carry options. The best option is to hang it round your neck with the nylon cord provided.

Wasn't very expensive, and carries like a dream. My only reservation is I don't know how long the edge will last.

Anybody have one? Any opinions?
For around 20 bucks the stiff kiss is a great knife for the money. Do yourself a favor and get some ball chain to use for hanging around your neck. I used the cord to wrap the handle and used ball chain to attach. The cord won't break away so it might not be such a good idea to have it hanging around your neck accident wise.I almost forgot Welcome to the forums

[This message has been edited by Strider (edited 05-22-2000).]
The only two problems I ever had with mine were that:

(1) The knife did occasionally come loose from the neck sheath while I was doing some work (involving some active and heavy lifting). This was pretty embarrassing, not to mention dangerous. But it should be fine for just walking around town.

(2) The grip isn't the greatest. It is alright for cutting, but I wouldn't try thrusting into anything too hard. Using paracord around the handle helps a little, but not enough for me.

Other than that, mine seems to hold and edge fairly well and is easy enough to resharpen. It's a simple no-frills piece of steel.

I'll just say this much A: a piece of thin aluminum wire curled the edge up and B: I wouldn't trust those Chicago style screws with out something like Loc-tite or the such.


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