Opinions on full size Dyad?


Feb 12, 2002
Just managed to find one of these NIB in a trade. I would like some opinions from those of you SpyderKnuts that have one and may, or may not, carry one for EDC. Thanks in advance. ;) :D

I use mine all the time. Too bad more people don't take a look at these. Only gripe is the plain edge blade should be thicker.
I've had a S/H one for a few months, and although at first I was reluctant to take it outside as it was numbered and NIB, it has become one of my most regular EDC's.
In a sheeple environment it seems to be accepted far more easily because of the two blades, it's a strange phenomena that people see a two bladed knife as more of a "tool".
I was sad to see it discontinued, I think it's one of Spydies most under-rated knives. I guess it just wasn't selling.
The only thing I would change is make the plain edge ground closer to the handle instead of a finger groove, I prefer the mini dyad's blade shape. Also the lock releases are reversed from that of the mini.

I had both blades on mine diamond dlc coated by Bodycote to keep them new looking.
Hi guys!
I am new to this forum and was just looking. I love this knife.This is the first time I have seen or known that there was a full size version.
About how much is it? and where can I buy one at a good price.
Thanks for any info.