opinions on KaBar D2 Extreme?


Gold Member
Nov 23, 1999
Subject says it. Anyone have one of these?

Yes, I do.
It is a very basic workhorse style knife. It's got the D@ steel, with I really like. The blade "sticks" in the handle with just enough force that went you hit the thumb ridge, you do so with enough power to pop it open all the way. Personally, I like this feature. It has a coated aluminum handle, and overall it feels pretty good. The liners are nice and thick. This appears to have the qualities of a knife that will last a long time. Good Luck.

email me if you have further questions.

EdRozen - On the cutting edge of finding out what the cutting edge is.....
I have also. Mine is one year old, seems it is one of prototype series, tanto (double side grind, not primitive chisel) blade with plain edge. I found some disadvantages like uneven sharpening angle along the blade, too much different headers (torx) in one knife's hardware, too aggressive, pinching opening device and some trifles more. I discussed these problems with Ka-Bar and they promised these problems would be corrected in farther production runs.

Well, my next meeting with D2 Extreme folder occurred at IWA'2000 in March. Really, problems I mentioned were corrected and now this knife appears pretty appealing if someone needs medium-sized heavy-duty folder.
D2 blade is relatively easy to sharpen and hods edge very well. I'm going to make something like "cut-out" between some popular steels cutting hemp rope, then I'll publish data. The edge on mine is a bit too thick for gentle and precise work but it was my conscious choice. Clip point and drop point versions have hollow grind and as result noticeable thinner edge more suitable for precise work.
Simply shaped handle fits my hand much more comfortable and securely than I could expect. Aluminum scales are very stiff and strong. Reasonable thick single steel liner is "nested" into aluminum scale. Anodizing is very hard, I carried mine some months in my pocket and noticed no wear out on handle finish.
Lockup is OK, passed all my spine hack tests. Very firmly retains closed position. The fans of wrist-flip opening method could be somewhat disappointed
. In my opinion it is very important advantage. Remember that the artery in the groin stays fairly closely to pant side pocket... However this first resistance no way affects action smoothness, after the first effort is applied and detent ball released the blade it pivots smoothly and easily.
Pocket clip is designed for tip-down carry, mine was too tight out of the box but it was no problems to bend it a bit looser.
Here is mine directly from flatbed scanner


Consideration: modest but reliable workhorse, OK for heavy duty and occasionally for self defense.

Sergiusz Mitin
Lodz, Poland
Thanks guys. That's the kind of things I needed to hear. I especially appreciate mentioning the difference in grind between the tanto, clip, and drop/spear points. Hollow grind I much prefer.
