Pennsylvania Knife Laws

Oct 13, 1998
I am traveling up to Pennsylvania this weekend and would like to know what the knife laws are like up there.

Thanks a million!

Larry Connelley

I live in PA and have had a lot of trouble getting a straight answer. Autos are illegal. Also:

"Offensive weapons" are defined as:
...dagger, knife, razor or cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring mechanism, or otherwise, or other implement for the infliction of serious bodily injury which serves no common lawful purpose.

They don't actually mention length. I've never been stopped, but I don't think that the police are too concerned if you're not doing anything illegal with your knife. I've carried my Socom to the mall, for example, and no LEO ever gave me a hard time.

Hope this helps...


"For purpose of inflicting bodily injury" is a purpose that includes both offensive and defensive combat. Therefore, never tell a cop you are carrying a knife "for protection."


Again no straight answers here. I`ve asked cops and they said as long as your not doin anything wrong don`t worry about it. Basically ,no autos and nothing that looks obviously suspicious (ie. walking around the mall with a Kabar USMC knife on yer belt.) As always remember it`s for opening boxes or something.
If you can, look up the law reguarding "offensive weapons" SEC 908 of the PA Crimes Code. It in you will find that autos are NOT illegal to own, just to carry. I believe that the section also states that the weapon has to be used with intent to cause harm or in a threatening manor. I carry a mini-stryker everywhere I go and the cops I know just want to play with it. As long as you are not stupid with a knife, cops don't care too much.

this may be late however....enjoy....

In PA Title 18 "Crimes & Offenses" appears to be the relevant statute. In
section 907 it talks about "Possessing instruments of crime" and states:

"A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he possesses a
firearm or other weapon concealed upon his person with intent to employ it
criminally." Where a weapon is "Anything readily capable of lethal use and
possessed under circumstances not manifestly appropriate for lawful uses
which it may have."

Section 908 covers "Prohibited offensive weapons" and states:
"A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if, except as authorized
by law, he makes repairs, sells, or otherwise deals in, uses, or possesses
any offensive weapon." But with the exception "It is a defense under this
section for the defendant to prove by a preponderance of evidence that he
possessed or dealt with the weapon solely as a curio..." or possessed it
"under circumstances similarly negativing any intent or likelihood that the
weapon would be used unlawfully." An offensive weapon is defined as "any
bomb, grenade, machine gun, sawed-off shotgun, firearm specially made or
specially adapted for concealment or silent discharge, any blackjack,
sandbag, metal knuckles, dagger, knife, razor or cutting instrument, the
blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring
mechanism, or otherwise, or other implement for the infliction of serious
bodily injury which serves no common lawful purpose."

[the above is taken from:]

I have seen excerpts of this law before. My native Penna is a difficult animal to pin down when it comes to weapon laws.

Someone I know even suggested the old four finger knife blade length test.I pointed out that no two police hands were the same size so if you met a hulking cop with hands the size of sasquatch, you should be able to pack a long knife.

It appears, from reading the above laws, that Penna residents and visitors are allowed to carry fixed blade knives in addition to folders?
