Progunner, progunner, progunner


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2003
Everywhere I look, there's Progunner.

Busse's on Ebay - Progunner with the high bid.
Busse's on BF - Progunner already sent email.

What's it take to get some INFI around here!:D
It definitely takes some work to get that INFI
Originally posted by Chief_Wiggum
Everywhere I look, there's Progunner.

Busse's on Ebay - Progunner with the high bid.
Busse's on BF - Progunner already sent email.

What's it take to get some INFI around here!:D

Just cause I am sending mail, doesn't always mean I am buying. I might just be asking a question. As for Ebay, I got bumped on the most recent one if you will notice and I don't plan on going any higher ...right now! :D

Free trade baby, you have to love it. :D

It isn't hard to beat me to some INFI, all you have to do is get to it when I am sleeping or at work, which is really often. Of course I can't promise that the likes of Skunker or Porkerson won't be there to beat you to it. :D
Maybe I still have a chance then:D Although, I don't think I'll be bidding on the ebay knife. I could buy a car (cheap one) for that!
Chief Wiggum,

You must realize that if you try to touch a shark, it might bite you. Even if that shark is in captivity.

Same goes with INFI hogs - and especially INFI Hall of Famers, like Progunner, 1WhoOinks, IDAHOporker and Eric "I am a Porker". These guys did not get to the INFI Hall of Fame by being unable to sniff out the INFI.

They are INFI Hogs and much like that Shark, they are very good at what they do. They are WORLD CLASS.

So, you must do better. Regularly review the For Sale forums, eBay and send the girls at the Busse shop gifts, flowers and chocolates, like these guys do. You can do it !!

PS - Jerry like CBL....
Marc! What the hell are you saying man? Don't give all of our secrets away! The girls put you up to the part about sending them gifts didn't they? I smell a conspiracy.

(Mumbling to myself...Must find a source of pure grade Canadian CBL for Jerry. Yes, Yes, Yes must find source. More INFI, Heh, Heh, Heh. More sweet INFI for me.)
You guys are too funny. I love lurking around here, and this forum is one of the reasons why I'm going to make my next knife a Busse. I know that I'm not just buying a product, but rather joining a fun loving community. What's more, after I made my first post here, I had other members welcoming me.

Plus having an owner/maker posting and haning out here is _so_ cool too.

Oh yeah, and the Busse warranty is just about the bese I've ever seen (besides Swamprat, that is)
Chief, you are dead on with your post. There is so much more in the Busse world than just the knife you buy. The people here are some of the greatest guys I've ever had the benefit of meeting.

It was wild to me when I first started hanging out here a couple years ago that new people (me) who did not know as much as others were taught and shown as opposed to being ridiculed and flamed. That means a lot when you have a genuine interest in a product.

Glad you're hangin around, and look forward to seeing the first of your many purchases.

Welcome aboard Chief! I'll try to save some Busse's for you, but I can't promise anything. My experiences are much like yours and Mike's. I have only been collectiong Busse knives for a year now. I bought my first SH-E from Papa Thud and it has been one hell of a ride ever since. When I think back on it, it makes my wallet ache. :D

This is one great group of folks here and they will not hesitate to help you if you have a question. I have even heard tell of some of these guys lending blades to prospective Busse recruits in order to set the hook so to speak. What can I say, we are givers! :D
Chief, while you still have a chance. All the welcomes are just a front, it's part of their evil plan. Don't look back just run....


(as I laugh hysterically hoping this statement will leave more Busse's for me ) ;):D
Yeah. Go check on that SH1 young'un. Did I ever tell you guys what I paid for mine many moons ago.... hehehehehe
Originally posted by Progunner
(Mumbling to myself...Must find a source of pure grade Canadian CBL for Jerry. Yes, Yes, Yes must find source. More INFI, Heh, Heh, Heh. More sweet INFI for me.)

:D :D :cool:;) :D
You don't have to tell me twice, I've been watching you and you scare me ;):D:D

You boys from Illinois are definitely the ones to watch(and watch out for) ;):D:D
BTW, Les I don't think I really want to know what you spent on your SH1 do I? ;):D:D

That is one knife I wish I could find for a couple of bucks, I've always liked the looks of the SH1 :D:D
Well, you probably don't but...

I bought it when the first generation was the only generation and in light of the price on the one over on e-bay... I got a hell of a bargain.:D