quality question

Dec 3, 2005
My friend used his Sportsman bowie (he bought new) to cut limes up for margaritas and the blade took on a green color. I know that carbon will stain but green is not a color I'm familiar with seeing on steel. A few weeks later he chiped the blade (a big 1/4" deep and wide chip) cutting a branch of a tree. We were way back in the woods in Alaska and looked at the branch to see what he could have broke it on and there was nothing to explain a knife breaking like that. I think the knife probably had a bad heat treating but I'm not sure. He talked to Randall but they said they can't do anything for him. Has anybody had any experience like this with Randall's knives.
I have broken the tip on my Randall. I was throwing it into a tree. I can't imagine how come it broke? I had all my carbon blades discolor with use. Kinda neat looking I think.

I have chipped hatchets while chopping. I took out a 1/2" x 1" chunk out of a camp Case hatchet. I only use Himalayan Imports khukuris now for my chopping needs.

I snaped a half a dozen blades on knives over the years, prying, chopping, and digging.

I wonder, was it my fault? Did I misuse them?

I hear Bussee's are indestructable.:confused:

How thick was the branch? If it was thick (and frozen) this might explain the chipping.

I don't understand how Randall said they can't do anything for you. I broke the tip off of my 12-8 recently, and they fixed it without charging me a cent.
Thanks for all your input. The branch was frozen and wasn't on any kind of solid tree. He might have chopped into a knot which would have been a little bit harder. I understand that carbon steels will change color but I wasn't expecting green. I too have broken knives over the years but haven't given up on the bowie knife for chopping. I cary my Trail Master for use and keep my Radall Confederate bowie just for watching the Alamo. It could be that my friend is just lazy or maybe broke it even more doing something compleatly stupid.