Review Request : Ascent Series of BM


Nov 16, 2000
I was curious what everybody thinks of this series of knives from BM.


They're not bad, but you'd be way better off saving a bit more money and getting an AFCK. The little (82X) ones are nice for places w/3" blade limits. But somehow the excellent ergos of the 800 & 812 didn't completely translate to the Acents. Yeah, they're good knives, but BM makes such better knives that it'd be hard to recommend them. Do yourself a favor and get a little bit more money for an AFCK, if you have a 3" length limit, get a 705 or 350. The Ascents are decent, but Axis locks kick ass, so why get an Ascent?

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"I have often laughed at the weaklings who call themselves kind because they have no claws"

- Zarathustra
Not bad, but don't really compare to its bigger brother, the AFCK. There is nothing fatally wrong with the knife I had, but I just didn't like how it was executed. I can't stand zytel with no liners because it flexes so badly with minimal pressure. Plus, I don't really like the blade to handle ratio as well as lockback. Can't go wrong with an AFCK or and Axis.


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