Rob Simonich IS A Good Guy, No Matter What Anybody Says!

Oct 2, 1998
Ha! Gotcha! Yeah Rob IS a great guy and the only thing folks are saying are good things. Just wanted to relate an incident that proves it.

I posted below on a thread about Rob's Talonite Cetan, expressing how good I thought his work was. I mentioned that the Concealex sheath that came with the knife was too loose though. Being that I purchased the knife second hand I couldn't be too critical. Well, lo' and behold Rob contacts me and tells me to send the knife back and he would make a new sheath for it! To say I was pleasantly surprised is putting it mildly.

This sort of thing is not uncommon here on these forums but it still takes me back when it happens. Yeah, Rob's work is first rate and so is his service. I have to also say that I've never been around such nice, honest and darn right good people as the folks on this forum and knife folks in general.
Not only is he a great guy...he's a great knifemaker, AND HE HAS A GREAT HAT!

(Rumor has it Spark was out shopping for one just like it)
Rob? Yea, I think I met the dude at the Blade Show. 6'5", 300 lb guy wearing a big white hat. Yea, that's the dude. Drinks white wine, Yea.

No, seriously, Rob is one fine fellow and great knifemaker and doesn't fit the height and weight I talked about above. Don't know about the white wine, though.

I like him, even if his is a teetotalin' northerner city boy with a Boston accent.

Real salt of the earth guy, honest and earnest as the day is long.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
There is no such thing as a Boston accent and if you come out this way I will treat you to a bowl of clam chow-dah.It's the rest of the country that talks funny.
We who live near Boston have an accent? I thought everyone else was wrong...

Eh, got to go. I got ta go paak my caa in haavad squah and then get a laage coke.
If you go to Stah Mahket, you can use ye Stah Cahd.
Ahon(I don't know)
Ps Born in Balmore, school in Bahston, soon there won't be any consonents left!

Don't forget to pay your taxes...they eventually become my knives:)
