RR: cold steel "all terrain hunter"

The Magician

Jan 19, 2000
I saw these in a catalog for $24.97. I am wondering if anyone has used or handled one. Also what kind of sheath comes with it? Do you recommend this knife?

AKTI# A000991
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I bought this for my nephew. It was his first deer hunting season and I thought that the ATH would be a good first knife. I really like the ergonomics. It just feels right in my hand. It sort of reminds me of some of Grohman's knives. It has good edge geometry and should be a good slicer. As usual with CS, it was extremely sharp out of the box. I didn't use it to gut his or my deer, (I used the Outdoor Edge Kodi-Pak) but I did do some general cutting of rope to make a drag with. It went through the rope very easily. Be forewarned, the sheath is the worst sheath I have ever come across. I actually consider it dangerous. It is real hard for me, let alone my 12 year old nephew, to get the knife into the sheath. It is just too tight. I feel it is an accident waiting to happen. Anytime you have to use force with a knife, you are asking for trouble. I also fear that he will not put it in all of the way since it is so tough, and it will end up falling out while he is walking or climbing. Needless to say, I am planning on shipping it off to Eric at On/Scene and possibly have a Concealex sheath made. I wonder if it will cost more than the knife.
Even with the crappy sheath, it is a good knife for the money. Carbon V is a respectable steel and at that price point, it is even better.

Jim McCullough