Sal, something worthy of your attention... (CS steals Civvy Design)

IMO, CS isn't even worth the trouble especially with the millions of other Spydie ripoffs in the world.
Although I agree that Spydercos are most likely the most ripped off knives on the market. I too, would love to hear what Sal has to say about this model.
Hi guys,

Sal's already aware of it. He hasn't commented other than to say that CS is not licensing the reverse-s blade from Spyderco.
I´m getting a warparty of Danish vikings together. When we are ready...(Might take a while since everybody came carrying beer instead of swords) ...we will hunt CS down and make them say "SORRY".

reminds me of that bit in McHale's Navy...

"All right, men, we can't take everything... umm... leave the guns."
