Sal, you are not holding the swick until the SHOT show

No, they're in the system. Actually, I expect a good number of them will be gone before the SHOT show. We didn't plan a big promo on them at the Show, we'll probably have some there to show and get feedback.


Mr. Glesser, thank you! I can't wait to get my hands on one...
in the system.... does that mean I can call spyderco to place order I mean, tomorrow morning?
In my opinion, Sal, with the right marketing this could easily be the best selling neck/small EDC to date on the market. Yes, I do like it that much! I've owned, and carried, an Emerson LaGriffe, Spyderco SPOT (I still love it), CRK&T Bearclaw, KISS & PECK, and an MOD Scorpion; none of them compare in my opinion. The SWICK has it all. Trust me.:thumbup:
Trust me, they will be available before SHOT :D
I sure this has been covered but I must have missed it.... Is the Swick a production model or just a sprint run?
The way I understood it is that they're doing an initial Sprint-ish run (500?), and will extend production (or not) depending on the response to this initial run.
Damn, my shop doesn't have them in stock, I'll wait a couple of weeks before I order one online. :( I kind of felt like going brick-and-mortar on this one, I've done a lot of onlining recently.