Sebenza... A good rescue/tactical knife?

Dec 25, 1999
I just recieved my sebenza last week and love it to death. It is my regular carry now after retireing my benchmade axis lock. The only thing that worrys me is theres no serations on the blade. All the knives I've carried before have had serations and it has taken some getting used to, to carry. My question to every one is how do you think this knife would do during a rescue situation? Like haveing to cut a seat belt or rope. Also theres the tactical side too. I have a large Sebenza so it does have some good blade area but is it enough? I love the knife and am thinking about ordering another. The blade is the sharpest I've every recieved out of the box. Any experiances or info. would be great. Thanks.

Powess, if you really want serrations on your sebenza, CRK can do it. It'll cost you 20 bucks.

Prowess, Check out Mr. Talmadges plain vs. serrated faq in the knowledge and features section. I was also a serrated fan, but the more I know about knives the more I seem to prefer plainedge. Alot more versatile, depending on how you sharpen it.

Of course serrations are going to be better at cutting rope and seatbelt. I suggest getting a second knife such as a spyderco rescue for that.
Dennis Bible

[This message has been edited by shootist16 (edited 01-16-2000).]
I have found that a good, sharp plain edged blade is excellent for cutting webbing. A few months ago my Union had a rigging safety class, and one of the things covered was materials and their strengths. The instructor explained that the nylon re-enforced webbing that is used for hanging equipment, while strong enough to lift several tons, could be cut. He then took a minute to hack through a piece with his Spyderco Harpy, as a “But it takes some effort” disclaimer. He passed the webbing around and said that we were welcome to try cutting it ourselves, if we had a sharp enough knife.

I cut a one-foot section out, and then turned that into one-inch pieces with my Sebenza. Much quicker and cleaner.

I think the knife will serve you well.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
Prowess, I personally think that there is nothing that a serrated blade can do that a good plain edge could not do. OK, there is somethings that the serrated edge might do better, or for longer - but there is many things that the plain edge can do and serrated can't. I come from the culture where traditionally no knives have serrations (well, the bread knife in kitchen) and I've never understod them for 'normal' use. For specialized use... well that's a different thing. If you need a knife for rescue situations, then you could get a Spyderco Rescue (also). It's a great knife with very good edge and superb handle. It's great if you get in rescue situations often, or if you for instance leave it in the car so that it's ready if you or somebody else needs it. If you are going to use it in more normal situations mainly, then forget the serrations. The Sebenza blade is so good that you won't need them. And if you do get in rescue situations I don't think it will fail you (as with any knife, you must take care of the edge...). It's construction is one of the strongest... and it's very easy to maintain... so therefore it would be very good for emergency use also.

Try cutting some seat belts and other material with your Sebenza, I would be surprised if it performed poorly. My Calypso Jr. parts that kind of stuff like water and the Sebenza's thin hollow ground edge should even outcut it.


I use rescue-type knives a lot, specifically a Spyderco Rescue. I carry a large plain edge blade as well. I have found that a piece of rope or webbing under weight is more easily cut with a plain edge blade. A serrated edge always requires some degree of sawing action regardless of the material being cut. Limp rope or webbing is generally easier to cut with a serrated edge. Most times I use the fully serrated knife to cut clothing. Hope this helps.
FYI: the guy over at Equipped To Survive ( highly recommends the Sebby...It's a good site, but partial to airplane stuff...
