Shirogorov, CKF. Medford, WE, Spyderco, Moen & MORE!!


Platinum Member
Feedback: +86 / =0 / -0
Dec 24, 2018
Have an incredible group of blades for u all today, definitely something for everyone.. All pricing is OBO.. NO TRADES.. Box/papers not included unless otherwise stated.

**PICS -**

**Shirogorov Kami - (B+) -** Like new.. Razor sharp s110v blade w/ asymmetric grind.. Typical Shiro action, glass smooth & drop shut.. Perfect size w/ great ergos.. Limited run, 1 of 300 made...... **$1250**

**CKF DCPT Tano - (B+) -** Like new.. Gorgeous timascus pivot collar & clip.. Razor sharp m390 blade.. Ti body w/ zirc pivot & screws.. #147/200 made.. Drop shut action..... **$750**

**Robert Carter F16 Custom - (C) -** Been carried quite a bit w/ wear on scales/blade.. Tumbled finish on scales helps w/ the wear tho.. Gorgeous San Mai blade w/ solid Ti scales.. Snappy w/ near drop shut action..... **$995**

**Jerry Moen Mongoose "Light" - (B+) -** Like new.. Gorgeous DLC coated + polished damasteel blade.. Dragon plate CF scales, Zirc pivots & copper collars.. Snappy action & near drop shut.. Sickest mongoose build I've ever seen..... **$995**

**WE Knife Synergy2 Damasteel - (B) -** Only wear is tiny snail trail on clip.. Gorgeous damasteel blade & Ti/marble CF scales w/ timascus pivot collar.. Smooth action & near drop shut..... **$450**

**WE Knife Arrakis Damasteel - (B+) -** Mint overall shape.. Gorgeous damasteel blade.. Stonewashed 2 color Ti scales w/ timascus pivot collar.. Multiple deployment methods & near drop shut..... **$475**

**Artisan Cutlery Great White - (B+) -** Mint overall shape.. Gorgeous solid timascus scales + clip.. S35vn blade.. Designed by the guys @ Gavko.. Glass smooth, drop shut action..... **$450**

**Medford Praetorian Scout - (B) -** Light use, sum pocket time.. Beefy g10 scales w/ liner lock.. Big Ole D2 blade w/ smooth action.. Beastly knife..... **$350**

**Spyderco Subvert - (B+) -** Mint overall shape.. Zero play, solid lockup.. Super easy to deploy w/ near drop shut action.. s30v blade w/ sharp AF factory edge..... **$270**

All prices includes PP fees and shipping to the US only, will ship international at your cost and risk alone. Once claimed and payment info has been exchanged, please make payment within a few hrs or will move on to next in line.