SHOT Show Contest? . . . Treasure Hunt On The Strip??? . . . Oh No. . Not Again!!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
:eek: . . . :eek: . . :eek: . . .

I sure hope that this doesn't happen again!!!!! . . . . :eek:

Skunk wants to sponsor the contest this time and give away his entire personal collection!!!!:eek: :D . . . . Cobalt wanted to throw his collection in also, but I think that Skunk's 800+ Busse Combat Blade collection should be sufficient!!!

I know, I couldn't believe it either!!!!:D

That a boy Skunker!!!!. . . . Very UnHOG like of you!!!
Rat Finkenstein said:
I heard he was trading them all in for Swamp Rats, go figure:cool:

He would get like 10,000 SW knives, what would he do with al those?

Thanks Skunk! That's mighty generous of you. You should have made that part of the hog living will - if I give away all my Busses, pull the plug.
Ok, so when are we going to Las Vegas then. We can meet at the strip. :thumbup:
what can i say, i'm a giver!! :thumbup:

will teams be formed again, will the compitition be heavy, will i get drunk?

I heard he wants to buy out the Friday night "Collectible Knives" show inventory....

So, is Team No Regrets ready to flex our hog muscles???
If this is going to happen, I we need to know soon, it is less than a month away!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:
thatmguy said:
I heard he wants to buy out the Friday night "Collectible Knives" show inventory....

So, is Team No Regrets ready to flex our hog muscles???

Porkgunner is a go for base camp and intel ops, over.
Hey, you guys can send the knives to me a week before the show and I'll be happy to hide them for you;)

I can't guarantee they'll all be hidden on the strip though.:D

Seriously though... who all is coming out for the show? Will Busse/Swamprat have a booth?
SHOT Show Contest? . . . Treasure Hunt On The Strip??? . . . Oh No. . Not Again!!!!!

Sounds like a bunch of HELL RAZORS to me:thumbup:
ST RIPPERS on the Vegas strip:eek: :eek:
HEAVY HEARTS at the casinos?:rolleyes:
RIPPERS at the buffets?:o
When will it end?:thumbup: