SOG Flash or Kershaw Blackout

Feb 20, 2003
Just wanted to get some input of which knife people thought was better. The SOG Flash II or a Kershaw Ken Onion Blackout. Any thoughts, comments, or opinions welcome.
Having owned knives from both companies, IMHO the Kershaw is the better choice.

The SOG knife might look hi-tech, but I was disappointed with the action of the opening mechanism, the feel of the handle, and play in the blade in the model I got my hands on.

While I don't own a Blackout, I own a Whirlwind- same model, I've read, just not a black blade. If the Blackout IS the same, then I'd tell you that I love the erognomics of it, the positive and authoritative open, but am disappointed with the steel... check it befoe you buy...

Strictly speaking, there are better choices out there than both knives, depending on what your criteria is...