Sog Pentagon Elite

It's totally wack.

Robert Joseph Ansbro

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed. -Stanley Kubrick, 1928-1999

I am the moderator on the forum "The Balcony" located at Cinematopia, please come support this brand new site

Perhaps THAT is wack?
Interesting tip though.
It's very light and has pretty smooth action (at least the ones I've played with). The only thing I didn't like about it was the way it tears the hell out of your pant pockets everytime you draw the knife. This is due to the tough checkering pattern of the handle. Oh yeah, almost forgot, my buddy owns one and tried taking the pivot pin off to relocate the clip to the other side of the handle. However, it turns out that the pivot screw is made of some really weak material and it ended up stripping. Now my friend's knife is loose as hell and wobbles more than I do when I'm piss drunk!
Other than that, not bad if you're looking for a sleak, lightweight folder, but I still prefer my Mel Pardue 350 over it.

"A Study In Wackness"
By Robert Ansbro

Wack, to be (or to be thought of as) low in both quality and stock. Wack, to be neither well thought out nor executed. Wack is Wack, as it were.

Such Is Wack:
N*Sync, car crashes, almost every movie so far this summer, people who smoke in the doorways of buildings, those "Other" Altoids (the ones in the blue tin), offbeat and off-topic posts regarding the choice weapon to slay a certain animal, people who don't rewind their movies.

A common and popular phrase given to an object (animate or inanimate), activity, or person deemed lackluster or flawed.

All the SOG folding knives are totally wack in my opinion, and aside from that they are strangely expensive. The JetEdge costs as much as like a MonoLock or a Spderco Military. Excuse me? What? The Pentagon Elite rots ass, it is basically a knife designed to be something ELSE, then tagged with the Pentagon name in hopes it might draw in owners of the superb fixed blade series of the same name. The texture is way too rough, the pocket clip is a joke in it's un-needed manufacturing costs, and the blade is useless.

SOG Pentagon Elite: Totally Wack.

Robert Joseph Ansbro

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed. -Stanley Kubrick, 1928-1999

I am the moderator on the forum "The Balcony" located at Cinematopia, please come support this brand new site

[This message has been edited by Mercury (edited 03 September 1999).]
Hehehe... beating on SOG folders. Fun!

A quick guide: how to produce the patented "Sharktooth" tip on any knife you own (you are responsible for any patent issues this might raise):

Stick knife 1/4" into very hard wood.

Jerk knife sharply to one side.

Regrind the broken tip with no regard to matching the original curve of the knife.

Given how often folks break the tips on their folders, isn't nice of SOG to offer them pre-broken?

Thanks for the vocab update Mercury.

So far in multiple forums and multiple threads I haven't heard anything positive about the SOG Pentagon. Guess I'll steer clear of this one.

like your tip building technique Corduroy.
I've played with the Pentagon Elite, and found it, well, I played with it just because I was playing with all the other knives in the store

But I love my BM 350bt! Now if only the 350 had alum. handles instead of Zytel...

I need a bigger bucket.
I've dissed the knife in the past in the past but something strange has happened.

I've grown to love that knife. Maybe it's just the love but grows between a man and a knife that's always with him. Or maybe it's because you can abuse that knife all you want without feeling any quilt. Or maybe it's just the sleek black "tactical" look that draws me to it.

What the @#$% am I talking about?!?! The knife SUCKS!
