Some answers to sheath questions

David Brown

Kydex Sheath and Holster Artist :)
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jun 4, 2001
Hi Everbody,

There have been a lot of questions about AK pants, FSH pants, & SJTac sheaths, latley.
Maybe I can help with some answers.

As far as the AK sheaths
I am buying one to make sheaths with.Should have it in a week or so.

But I am a little concerned, I heard that the AK's vary in curvature, grind, & other things.

I will play around with a few ideas so that the sheath can fit the variances in the AK's & still not rattle, Mine will also let you carry the short sword if you want to, rather than be just a blade cover.

The Busse's of late have varied a bit, I was told by the factory all the Satin Jack Tac's were hand ground & varied a bunch, there fore all of those have had to be sent in for fitting.

The same way with the FSH's, HOFSH, & other steelhearts, they have had to be sent in.

I am sure the Pork Belly Skinner & Hell Razor will be the same.

Since all these knives are different & hand ground, there was no reason for the factory to send us one to make sheaths with, so I do not have these knives in stock to make sheaths with.

I have been explaining this to customers for a few months now.

The little knives like the Heavy Duty, AD, MS, LMS, AS, & skeleton key vary on such a small scale as it does not matter so those have been fine, with using my knives to make the sheaths with.

I will continue to buy small knives to make sheaths.

Hope this helps with the questions,

I am proud to be assosiated with Busse & being one of the recomended sheath makers, I love these knives & have made a bunch of friends making sheaths for them & look forward to making more friends & sheaths.

Thank you
David Brown
You forgot to answer the most important question.

What time is it there??:confused: :thumbup: :p
Yes, we Arizonans are a crazy lot.

Hey Mr. Brown, when your AK comes in could you make sure to post it. I want one with a removable kangaroo sheath for the Skeleton Key. This is going to be sweet.

David Brown said:
Hi Everbody,

"...I will play around with a few ideas so that the sheath can fit the variances in the AK's & still not rattle, Mine will also let you carry the short sword if you want to, rather than be just a blade cover...."

Thank you
David Brown

I hope this isn't in reference to the sheath that Brian at Okuden is making for me because I asked for only a blade cover, carry options can be added to his sheath if desired.
Wow, I did not mean to offend anyone, I ment no harm by the post just ment to inform people of what I was making & answer some questions about sheath availability & why people had to send thier knives in.