
Mar 26, 2000
Who all asked Busse Claus (or his appointed agent - signigicant other, parent, etc.) for INFI for Christmas??

Whadya ask for???
well, Mrs. Claus said, "I know that you want a knife for Christmas, so why don't you just take care of buying it?"

I said, "Yes, mam." No need to argue with them when they get like that.
Does it count if you ask yourself and then as a result buy yourself some Christmas Infi?
I didn't ask anyone for INFI .

I have been very good this year though. :)

Oh no, it's just you Uncle Clark. :(

Wife and knifes don't mix this year, I tried . . . . but if you are Busse Claus thatmguy, feel free to leave anything Busse under the tree for me . . . some day I will have one . . . ahhh, the every hoped for NO.
but will buy me NOT either knives, guns, nor motorcycle stuff... Hell, I just buy what I want anyway :) I know it better than any of'em!!