Speed Tech Knives: Attention Jim

Oct 3, 1998
A while back, there was a picture posted by you on this forum of lots of different Synergies...some of them had an interesting "plating" design...what exactly was that...what other multi color options etc will be available besides the Liberty and Nadina....Thanks, JEFF
Hi Jeff!

As well as fulfilling special orders, we are constantly experimenting with colors in search of a hot combination. Typically we'll plate a lot of 10 parts and put whatever isn't spoken for up for sale.

The non-cataloged colors we currently have in stock are:

Gold Wine: Burgandy red w/ gold veins; looks like marble

Black Rose: Black & pink w/ white specks; looks like Scottish plaid

Corporate: Purple w/ orange streaks & splatter

Champagne: Very light gold/silver; looks like titanium

If you desire, we can custom configure a knife for you using any one of those colors and either a swept point or an "IPO" Elishewitz handground tanto (very few left) blade.

The next batch of machine ground swept and tanto blades should arrive in about a month.

What color combination would YOU like to have? If it's technically possible with our process, we just may do it.

Stay sharp!


Jim O'Young
Home of the Speed Tech "SYNERGY" (tm)
1999-2000 BLADE Magazine "Most Innovative American Design"
