Springfield Armory Junk

Jan 24, 2003
One of my sons bought a NEW S.A. .45 and had mechanical problems right away.The pistol was sent back to Springfield for correction or repair.After he received the gun back it had the same problems.I e-mailed the company,no reply.My gunsmith pal fixed the gun and my son sold it because by now he sure as hell doesn't want anything connected with such a lousy company.I was really surprised by their actions(or lack of).I was always impressed by their line of guns,but not now!
What were the problems... I have always had great service and luck... were the problems with hardball or other types of ammo...
It was a mechanical problem.When he got the gun back home and checked it over it looked like the gun hadn't even been touched.My ol' gunsmith buddy that repaired it is coming to visit tomorrow(Tues.)and I'll find out what he repaired and post it here.
Gunsmith buddy told me what he had to do was replace one sear spring and smooth and polish trigger and related parts and throat ramp from mag to chamber.He spent several hours on the action.
John, the symtoms you describe are normal for a 1911- a lawyer type trigger, A throat job helps and is almost mandatory to feed other than hardball and while he had it to smooth it out it is the norm on most any of the basic 1911's out there. You can expect more out of ones not on the bottom of the price range. The true to form 1911's do not have target triggers out of the box and they are only designed to feed hardball rounds- it does not mean that it is/was defective out of the box.Also almost all manufacturers state that an auto needs to be "broken in" or wear in before you should rely on it for serious social work.... Alot of people see all the tricked out .45's out there and buy a basic and expect performance way out of proportion to the model they buy... now sometimes you can get a basic that runs closer to perfection than others but it is not the norm. I hope he finds one he likes they are great fun!
Tallpaul, the gun was jamming on hardball and another ammo also. You are certainly right about the breaking in, but the Springfield had a feed problem,also. Gunsmith says you would not beleive how rough the action was.He was surprised,also.And he has built a lot of .45's. It may have been one of the ones that slip through the crack, but I was really upset that they would not even respond to our e-mails.
Did you call or just e-mail? Not all companies are good at e-mails. E-mail is convienient to some but not all. I am not surprised on a lack of e-mail support but would be on phone calls. But things can change, if it is indeed a direction they are going it is sad- they have several things I want to get.....
taulpaul, no, I didn't call, but sent several e-mails.I was really surprised about the whole thing,considering what Springfield has turned out over the years.
I have five 1911's, and two of them are Springfield. I had to send my Springfield Champion Custom back to the custom shop for a touch up on the gun, and a new extractor. It was a quick turnaround, and great communication with them. If you have anything further to send back, call Deb in the Custom Shop(even if its not a custom), and she will help you.
I have also had great helpful service from Springfields Custom shop.
Deb at the custom shop was a great help with me also. I even had one of the custom shops smiths call and suggest something that would help complete my 1911 to an even higher degree. They were all great. Calling is the answer. E-mails just don't get the same attention as a good old conversation.