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Spyderco Dragonfly Question!

Originally posted by Gollnick
Sorry, wrong thread.

Chuck, did you write a response to what you thought was a question about the spyderfly, then read it after you posted and then edited it?
As far as I know they come in AUS 8. Ask this question on the Spyderco forum and you might get more information.
huck, did you write a response to what you thought was a question about the spyderfly, then
read it after you posted and then edited it?


I had two windows open at the same time, POWER BROWSING you know, and I hit reply in the wrong one. Sorry.
crazy nick,

Dragonfly SS (stainless steel handle) comes in ATS-55 steel, Dragonfly FRN handle in AUS-8.

I have D'fly SS - sturdy little knife, sort of a gentleman's folder. Very nice. I would prefer to have it in, say, BG-42 or S30V (I have a Delica in VG-10). Sal?

I have abused my SS 'Fly in ATS-55 since buying it in August 01...

it's recently been mirror polished, and I've run with a convex edge for about a year. Just stropped and polished my edge last night.

Still trying to figure out what it would take to get a VG-10 blade in it.
I have two in Aus-8 and I was online and saw one and the ad said it was made in VG-10. I will definetly buy it if that's the case...
CF Dargonfly has ATS-55 blade - If you can find one buy it. CF Dragonfly is mut to have for people who like tipdown clips (SS and FRN handled mofels are tip up).