Spyderco Rescue 93mm passaround - SIGNUP

Dec 2, 1999
This is providied by Sal and Spyderco for a passaround. Here's a link to more info about the knife in particular:


Passaround Rules

3 Days evaluation then pass it on, please post your review in the testing and review section here on Bladeforums.

Sharpen the knife if need be before sending to the next person.

Send the knife USPS Priority with delivery confirmation, if possible let us know in the testing a review section when you have received it and sent it.

I may arrange people geographically rather than the order of signup.

Signup limited to 10 people for the first round.
(Longer list turn into chaos, more later.)

US Addresses only.

I'll start a new thread for reviews when I send it out. Please look in the review and testing forum for the thread to add your comments.

Please, Please, Please, post at least a little bit about what you used it for as well as your impressions. Even if it's only a line or two, as it helps to keep interest up.

If at any time there is a problem that develops with the knife, please do not use it and send it in to Spyderco for examination.

Spyderco Passaround Rules

Also read and understand the following:

This comprises the "Shrink Wrap Warranty" for the passaround knife that is decribed elsewhere in this message. By participating in the passaround you agree and warrant that:

- You are considered an adult under your jurisdiction.

- You can legally posses, carry, ship and receive the passaround knife.

- You take full responsibility for this knife and it's use while in your possession.

- That you are participating in research and your comments and conversations about the passaround knife are limited to BladeForums.

Signup Directions

Email me the following & post here so I don't overlook you:

Forum Name
Real Name
Phone number

Signup List

1 - TheBadGuy
2 - Fozzy
3 - Pahl
4 - Greymoor
5 - Medic 1210
6 - KnifeDude
7 - Sid Post
8 - UncleKnife
9 - tohatchi
10 - mataxsm
Some more side comments to explain a little more.

Why only 10 people?

With longer lists of people, the longer it takes and the more people forget about it, and move, go back to school, etc. It makes it more difficult to track it down.

If after the first passaround and there is still interest, we start start another round.

Why a phone number for signup?

This won't be included in the material that gets passed around. But it can be a very lengthy process to search for the last post or person that had it, get their email (which is sometimes changed or turned off) send email and get a reply.

It's much faster to track it down by telephone if it gets hung up somewhere.

Hi Dave,

Count me in. I can definitely use this knife with the line of work I'm in. E-mail sent.


Edited to add: Please excuse the multiple e-mails. I really should read the entire post before responding I guess:rolleyes:
Last week my brother was in town visiting. He works offshore on the rigs and various ships. I knew he had to carry a folder out there. It’s pretty much a necessity. So I asked him about what he carried when I was showing him my collection and it turns out he carries a Spyderco Rescue. I couldn't have been more shocked. I didn't think he knew anything about knives, so for him to carry a Spyderco made me proud:) I have never handled one and am looking forward to the chance to try it out. Thanks again Sal and DaveH for getting this together for us
Rescue's a nice knife, carried one as an Industrial Park EMT awhile back, really nice knife suited well for it's intended purpose, enjoy guys, I'll just keep tabs on this one, and let some others play instead.
This rescue has the blade indent for better control on the top too. I have large hands and it's a bit of a stretch to both have your finger around the handle and your thumb center on the blade top. (Is that how to hold it ?)


Oops, helps if I read, it's for placement of the index finger.
OK, I think we are wrapped up, below is my proposed ordering with states, I hope that doesn't "Out" anyone, let me know if you want me to edit that out. If there are any problems with this ordering let me know. It may be a few days before I get it sent out, but I'll post in the Reviews forum when I do. Thanks.

Position # - Name - State - Week of Expected arrival

1 - Fozzy - MA - Jan 20th
2 - Greymoor - MI - Jan 27th
3 - UncleKnife - IL - Feb 3rd
4 - Pahl - SD - Feb 10th
5 - KnifeDude - OR - Feb 17th
6 - Metaxasm - CA - Feb 24th
7 - Sid POst - AZ - March 3
8 - Tohatchi - NM - March 10th
9 - Medic 1210 - NC - March 17th
10 - TheBadGuy - VA - March 24th

Please check you calenders if you are intending to move, go back to school, take vacation, etc.
