Super Knife.. Who's got one?

Nov 7, 1999
Hey Guys..

Picked up a Super Knife at the Wolverine show yesterday...

Basically is a pretty cool folding box cutter...Very well made knife...

Who's got one and Whatcha Think ??

I love it,, and worth the $20.00 I spent on it...


Ive had mine for about 3 months now. Works great, and if you do a lot of box cutting it saves on cleaning up and resharpening your main blade. I got mine when i grew tired of cleaning benchmade 710 after cutting tape every day.
An ingenious design IMO. Much more convenient than a regular utility knife with the pocket clip. What I like is that after you get done cutting messy, sticky stuff (i.e. - asphalt shingles) the knife still works fine, a regular utility knife becomes hard to work when the blade is gummy. It is also nice to be able to change blade shape as needed. I have found some really nice scoring blades along with the curved blades that resemble a guthook.
Hey Guys...

Yaaa its a pretty cool design....

I'm working on a neck rig for it right now..Should have the prototype done for it today..


I dont have one one but a friend of mine bought one and I have been impressed with it. If you opened alot of boxes on a regular basis this would be the way to go.
Why not just show it AG! hehe

While an interesting take on an very old design (carpenters knives), the Olfa snapoff utility knives, offer a much more versatile blade length (you can set it), with a choice of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 mm thick blades. The 0.3 mm thick blades are suitable for paper, plastic and light cardboard. The 0.5 mm blades are for heavy cardboard, thick styrofoam, and light wood cutting. The 0.7mm blades are for really heavy cutting, shingles and the like, plus heavy roughing of wood. They also sell various blade styles besides plain edged, you can even get small saws if you want.

it looks like you can set the blade length with this knife too?

i think you insert the razor in the front to the desired length then tighten down the screw there on the side of the blade with the included tool.

i could be wrong, never seen one up close.

[edit] aww from the pics of the blade I can see I am wrong, you have to put that screw in one of the two slots on the razor.
Yeah, they are pretty neat little gizmos. I've bought a bunch and given them away as gifts. Check out this "assisted opener" from Meyerco:


I guess someone was bound to jump on the bandwagon.:D
Originally posted by el cid
Yeah, they are pretty neat little gizmos. I've bought a bunch and given them away as gifts. Check out this "assisted opener" from Meyerco:


I guess someone was bound to jump on the bandwagon.:D

Oh no! An automatic boxcutter! The bane of airlines everywhere! :eek:

j/k :p
Hey Guys..

Cool,, This is even cooler than the Super Knife..

I Want one!!!!

Where ?
How much ??

Hey,, if you keep the blade loose,,it may launch the blades..:)

A razor blade flinger..Cool..


I have one and like the design very much.

The retracting blade utility knives have too much blade side-to-side play. This is an improvment.

BTW the replacement blades are available in regular (thin) and H.D. (thicker) steel.

I honed a convex edge and stropped until polished,,,,yes, I know,,,,get a life !
