I just wanted to say "Thank You" to Joyce and the folks at Spyderco for sending out my catalog so quickly. I especially liked the Spyderco envelope it came in! The new catalog is very impressive. I love the way all of the classics have the year they were introduced as part of the description. I also love the background images on the pages. I allmost missed the one showing how to work the Meerkat's lock! In addition, I remember another forumite mentioning the Maddox in another thread a little while ago. I believe he said something about it being perfect for his wife(?) because of some debilitating physical ailment she has. (forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly). And I remember filing that away, wondering if it would be something that would work for my niece. After seeing the catalog, I just need to know when they are coming out! My niece is only 9 years old, but knowing how independent she is, I know she will want to move out and make a place for herself one day. And this knife will be perfect for her. See, she was involved in a near-fatal accident right before her 2nd birthday. Her head was crushed and she was in a coma for 2 and 1/2 months. After she came out of the coma, we learned that she was paralized on her left side due to strokes she suffered as a result of her brain swelling because of internal bleeding. She has since regained about 70% use of her left leg, but almost no use of her left arm. As I said, she is fiercely independent, and has taught herself to do as much stuff as humanly possible with only her right arm. The Maddox will make a perfect apartment-warming present for her when the time comes. Again, thank you Joyce and the rest of the good people at Spyderco.
PS: Almost forgot to mention, that was just way too cool of you guys to mention Bladeforums.com in the catalog as well!!
PS: Almost forgot to mention, that was just way too cool of you guys to mention Bladeforums.com in the catalog as well!!