Thank you, Joyce

May 29, 2000
I just wanted to say "Thank You" to Joyce and the folks at Spyderco for sending out my catalog so quickly. I especially liked the Spyderco envelope it came in! The new catalog is very impressive. I love the way all of the classics have the year they were introduced as part of the description. I also love the background images on the pages. I allmost missed the one showing how to work the Meerkat's lock! In addition, I remember another forumite mentioning the Maddox in another thread a little while ago. I believe he said something about it being perfect for his wife(?) because of some debilitating physical ailment she has. (forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly). And I remember filing that away, wondering if it would be something that would work for my niece. After seeing the catalog, I just need to know when they are coming out! My niece is only 9 years old, but knowing how independent she is, I know she will want to move out and make a place for herself one day. And this knife will be perfect for her. See, she was involved in a near-fatal accident right before her 2nd birthday. Her head was crushed and she was in a coma for 2 and 1/2 months. After she came out of the coma, we learned that she was paralized on her left side due to strokes she suffered as a result of her brain swelling because of internal bleeding. She has since regained about 70% use of her left leg, but almost no use of her left arm. As I said, she is fiercely independent, and has taught herself to do as much stuff as humanly possible with only her right arm. The Maddox will make a perfect apartment-warming present for her when the time comes. Again, thank you Joyce and the rest of the good people at Spyderco.


PS: Almost forgot to mention, that was just way too cool of you guys to mention in the catalog as well!! :cool:
I would also like to thank Joyce and the folks at Spyderco for sending out my catalog so quickly.

Sorry to hear about your niece. I hope all goes well for her from here on out.

Thanks again,
Many Thanks for the Catalog!

How did I get from having one knife to needing a catalog to properly plan the purchases in just 2 years? lol :)
Thanks, Pahl. I appreciate it. She's doing ok. The problem will be when she turns 13. Cause then the doctor's will probably take out the titanium plate she has in her head, and put in a bigger one. Its going to be traumatic to a 13 year old girl if they have to shave her head to put in the new plate.

On a lighter note, I noticed in the catalog that "Frank Centofante designed the Vesuvius with a lock-back system." I've heard about the trouble Spyderco has had with the Vesuvius, is this a mis-print, or is the Vesuvius changing to a lock-back? Or is that just how Frank designed the knife and Spyderco changed it to the compression lock?

flinx: the Vesuvius one of the first ones with the compression lock, and some of the earlier stock were found to be defective (I had a numbered piece that had a faulty lock on it)
Spyderco was trying to reengineer it, not only because of the lock problems, but also for some other unmentioned reasons. I did hear earlier that they would be replacing it with a lockback system.
Although I'd like to have a piece with the compression lock, but if it's a compromise that must be made to make the knives ok, then I guess they had to do it.
Wow, Calyth, that would be great if the Vesuvius came out in a lock-back. Not that I have a problem with the compression lock, I just like my lockbacks!:D (I've carried the same Delica off and on for the last 5 years. )
