The Micro Piglet

Dec 12, 2002
The Micro Piglet

They stood round in anticipation
mice in hand they awaited the scene
Seven only would make the grade
on razors edge they stared at the screen

The farmer posted and in a flash
the desert recurve shown bold at last
Furious fingers stabbed at keys
to the electronic ether their fates were cast

Time passed as it does so slowly
each awaiting the clarions call
Would he be one of the lucky
would he be chosen at all

In the distance an angel singing
sweet Kassi’s voice he did hear
Her song was a wonderful chorus
It’s message to him was dear.

For in that moment a piglet was born
though small in stature was he
For a desert recurve had been scored
soon to be home with me
My respect, sir!
It always has been my understanding that men who can appreciate the beauty of Busse knives must have a understanding of true art deep within them just waiting to come out!! LOL! :D
Let's not forget the greatest artist of them all, the big kahuna himself, Jerry !!:cool:
Thank you,

This was to commemorate my first piece of INFI. A Desert overrun was a fitting piece to do it with. ;)