Those friskey pets, Funny post....

Mar 19, 1999
it happened today, my 5 month old kitten "Simba" was investigating my apartment, and i was in the shower, when i got out, i heard click clang sliip sliip, bing dang ding, i was wondering what the hell she was playing with, so i get out of the bathroom, and i looked on the solid lenoliam floor and said "DAMN IT SIMBA, LOOK WHAT YOU DID SIMBA" my Socom, Military and Custom Crawford Kasper fighter where all on the floor, full of scratches, and scuff marks. I hate myself for not putting my folders in a draw, forget the knives, my poor simba could have got hurt or even killed, thank the lord she was fine, the knife that is in the worst condition is the Socom, big scratches, the military and crawford are ok, minor nicks and scratches. This is a reminder to all of you with weapons, knives guns etc. Put them away, and watch your pets.
Think your cat is curious? Look what happens when Jim Mattis's cat investigates the scanner. Ads new meaning to the word Cat Scan


Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Rage: Good points

That was halarious!<major grin>


Mike, I may be wrong but that looks like a bunny to me. :-)

Have we dropped so low and strayed so far off-topic that we are scanning our animals undersides? Good lord, how am I gonna get my Siberian Husky to sit still that long?!
Laffing hysterically....

My cat is using the new clean topsoil in my front yard as a litterbox. I have no sympathy for cats today.


My cat Ernie loves to play with any of the Photon lights (w/lanyard) that sit on my nightstand. I frequently come home to find them strewn across the bed.

My dog Maudie also frequent tries to jump in my lap when I have an open blade. She's learning not to do that though. She's only 9 months old.

And I am sure if I had a scanner, both animals would jump on it...

Clay Fleischer

Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue...

. . . strayed so far off topic?


Those four paws contain 18 little automatic knives!

All God's critters . . . .

And, though she's a long (or maybe wide) way from the emaciated and mangled creature that showed up at our door a few years ago, she is a cat, and not a bunny! But she does sometimes run with a bit of a rabbit hop, and sometimes she follows me like a puppy, so she may be confused about her identity.

I have had to grab her by the scruff of the neck to keep her from jumping up on the scanner when I have knives on it. Usually she goes for ball point pens, and will attack one even if I'm writing with it at the time.


[This message has been edited by James Mattis (edited 05 May 1999).]
My dog actively dislikes knives. We got her from the pound, so I suppose it was *possible* she had a bad encounter with a knife while with her previous master, but otherwise I'm at a loss to explain it. Pull out a knife and watch the ears go back, the eyes roll and her entire body go into the woeful/submissive/'I-musta-done-something-wrong' pose. Normally if you have something in your hand, the object is a prime candidate for sniffing. Not so with a knife. She steers clear of it. Bad vibes or something.


Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)


Your cat is not soiling your top soil, it is merely fertilizing it

Looks like James got ya Danelle

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Mike, your cat scan thing is not unique

I bookmarked this page when I saw it a year ago since it was so funny.
Donno if the html will work, lets see:
<A HREF=""></a>

Have fun.
Now I'm REALLY ashamed..I went to the link..
BTW Shane, you haven't called me in 3 days...I'm getting a complex..

If you don't want to be jealous of your friends, do what I do...
Only have losers for friends...

Well after seeing the CATSCAN web site we may never see our moderator again.

James is probably entering his cat into the contest as we speak!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!
