Top 5 Production Knife Manufacturers

Jan 16, 2001
I'm curious on how you guys rate the different production knife companies in terms of fit and finish, design, cutting performance, durability, etc. I will list mine with a pro/con list to accompany rating just to give my opinion of things.

I would like to exclude semi production knives. (Sebenza,Strider etc)

1. Microtech

Pros - Best Auto's in the business.Great manual knives also.Very tight engineering tolerences and great execution of designs. Always come sharp and are easy to sharpen. Very reliable and easy to care for. Great cutters.

Cons - Aluminum handles damage too easliy. QC sometimes spotty on some models. Expensive. Model lineup somewhat limited due to small manufacturing capacity.

2. Masters of Defense*

Pros - Great Manual folders and fixed blades. Innovative designs. Great customer service. See Microtech.

Cons- Lousy automatics, slow and weak. Newer model folders are not up to snuff. Expensive. Growing QC concerns.

* On the edge of losing this spot due to current QC and new model issues.

3. Benchmade**

Pros - Good Manual folders/Fixed. Axis lock is great. Great partnerships with custom designers. Tons of models. QC is really improving. Great customer service. Durable G10 handles on most models. Cut well

Cons - Lousy Serrations. Not the sharpest or easiest to sharpen. Spotty QC (getting beter). Lacks the high tech feel of MT or MOD. Autos suck. Slow and weak.

Benchmades are my user knives.

4. Spyderco

Pros - Always scary sharp and easy to keep that way. Good QC. Tons of Models. Bang for buck. Serrations are the best in biz. Innovative designs. Great Customer service.

Cons - Too many Zytel handled models. Flea market handle with a killer blade. Liner locks models have flimsy looking locks. Lock back models are good,but not easy to use one handed (closing). Some odd upgrade choices on certain models. (CF Delica, but no G10?) Seems reluctant to develop a super high tech design and execution do to fear it won't sell.

I like Spyderco's. I just think they are capable of better.

5. Emerson

Pros - Innovative design. G10 handles. Waved models are neat. Can disasmble without voiding warranty.

Cons - Do not cut or sharpen well (most models) without special techniques. Poor QC. Overpriced.

Not a huge fan of Emerson's. I do think they are better than CRKT or Kershaws though.

There you have it. What do you guys think?
I would rate Buck knives up there also. Not a huge fan of their blade styles but im shure there are some folks on these forums that would wanna be buried with a buck next to em. Id personally rate Boker above some of the bottom choices you had. True their liner locks are kind of weak I hear, however they do make some really nice knives. Microtech im shure isnt going to be disputed as number 1. Master of defense has the right idea with materials and such but wtf happens when it gets assembled.. unacceptable. Noone mentions Cold Steel? Orrrr...... FROST CUTLERY!!!! Wait this is supposed to be best 5 not worst 5 heh :D
I have not had dealings with five companies, but I would rate all three of the following as virtually equal; Spyderco, Buck and Camillus. All have excellent products and great customer service.

I have owned knives from other companies, but have never had to deal with their customer service so can not give an overall opinion on them.
I just received a new 710HS about 2 weeks ago and it is the new one with the bronze washers and it has great QC. I've also had an 806 for a while now that is just as good so I will rate Benchmade and Microtech about even at the top. My only MT knife is a LCC MA that I've had for a few years now and it has top self qaulity in every area. Spyderco would definatly have to be next on my list. After that I really can't say because the other knives that I own I don't think are up to the quality levels of these three companies. I tought that Camillus was a good knife company so I bought a EDC from them a while back, and while I really like this little knife, it has always scrubed one of the liners in the closed position. I sent it back to them and they fixed the problem for about a week and then it came back. I haven't complained because I didn't pay that much for it and it still functions fine. Pretty good little knife except for that. I've also had pretty good luck with CRKT. Sorry it was so long, I got carried away.
In no paticular order:

William Henry

CRK Chris Reeves Knives



Lone Wolf Knives
1. Microtech
2. CRK
3. William Henry
4. Kershaw
5. Spyderco

Their designs, fit and finish, cutting ability, ease of sharpening, durability, QC, customer service, etc... keep me coming back time and time again.

And I've yet to have to send a single knife back to any of them due to workmanship issues (knock on wood). But, knowing that I can send a knife back to them. . .and have them repair/adjust. . .without a bunch of BS. . .gives me a very comfortable feeling.
Cutter Knife & Tool

*may be the number one company with all the new knives they have coming out coupled with the quality and the willingness to build the politically incorrect mega-folders!
interesting observation!

I rate these companies as the top 5 in the production blade market :


Al Mar
Queen (awesome production slippies)
Extrema Ratio (I hope. I'm getting one of those Nemesis models.)
Top 2 are easy, top 5 is much harder because I have several that could fill that slot...

Top 2:

1. Chris Reeve Knives
2. Cutters Knife and Tool

The rest in no particular order:
GT Knives
Cold Steel (okay I'll mention it)

I think when you are looking to answer this question you need to look at their entire line and not just a couple of knives from it.

1 - Chris Reeve has a stable product line that is time proven, they've got their QC down pat and they have great customer service.

2 - Cutter Knife and Tool is the one company I see that could share the crown with Chris Reeve while appealing to a more tactical market. Time will only tell how they do but in a short time they have made it to the top of my list.

Benchmade could make it to the top list but they have a few dogs in their line along with some QC issues occasionally.

While MT makes a great knife they are not consistent in the quality they deliver, MOD is the same way.

Spyderco has a few dogs in their line and some QC issues.

GT Knives makes a great product but they have no market presence and have done little to establish one.

Cold Steel gets credit in making the finest "Cheap" folders on the market - the Voyager line. I have yet to own one (probably 20 or more) that had problems. Many of their other products are wack but the Voyager alone merits their mention in this group.

Not yet on the list, but honorable mention would go to Combat Elite. I look forward to seeing how they develop their product line.
I would say:
1) Chris Reeve- one word: Sebenza
2) William Henry- only owned one knife but it was almost perfection
3) Spyderco- 204, Delica, Military, etc. etc. etc.
4) Emerson- Commander, SARK, Karambit, need another reason?
5) Buck- love the slipjoints and the Striders!

* I think that Cold Steel should definately get an honorable mention award. The Voyager line is just incredible as is some of their carbon V blades. I also like Benchmade an awful lot but most of their models just don't click with me.
Originally posted by cpirtle
Not yet on the list, but honorable mention would go to Combat Elite. I look forward to seeing how they develop their product line.

I haven't yet heard of these. Do they have a web site?
"Benchmade could make it to the top list but they have a few dogs in their line..."

Help out a newbie... which are the dogs in their line so I know what to avoid?
Benchmark : Best users on the market. Innovator of using Micarta in a production handle. Actually used ATS-34 steel.

Rigid (before the name was sold to United) : Semi custom pieces at production prices.

Al Mar (Especially before Mr. Mar's passing): Elegance designs. Seriously Tactical before Tactical was chic.

Spyderco : 2 things. Pocket clip. Spyder Hole.

CRKT : Best marketing practice in the business. One of the best values for the money in the business.

And I'm surprised no one's mentioned Randall.
Originally posted by R. Lemmen
I haven't yet heard of these. Do they have a web site?

This is the collaboration knife between Darrel Ralph and Ryan Wilson. They have a page at but you would have better luck checking out one of the online retailers as their page is not up yet.

Originally posted by AlonzoMosely
"Benchmade could make it to the top list but they have a few dogs in their line..."

Help out a newbie... which are the dogs in their line so I know what to avoid?

I should have also mentioned that the "Dog's" in their line are more from a preference aspect than a quality issue. Whether or not the design is poor is up to speculation. You would buy based on your preference of course.

I personally don't like the Switchback (yep, I'm ready for the abuse I'll take because of that statement :)), Tether knife, Outbounder, or any of the new fixed blades they have coming out. I think the designs are somewhat eccentric and/or have minor design flaws in one way or another.

I have also never had any luck with BM liner locks but I am sure there are many that will feel differently.

BM is one of my favorite production knife companies and I think they have carved a name for themselves in the market as making above average quality working/tactical knives combined with one of the best locks on the industry (Axis).

I think of the Axis models the only one that has zero appeal to me is the Switchback.

Like any company they are prone to the occasional lemon that can crop up in any model.

Hope that helps and sorry I was not more clear :)
I would have to say that my top five faves would be

William Henry
This will be hard for me to narrow down to five. Ask me next week and the list could be different. It also depends on what criteria you use to determine the "best". Are we talking best fit and finish? Best line up? Best customer service? Or overall best?

I'll throw five out there though. In no particular order:

Al Mar
Here are my favorites. I buy nearly all of my knives from the first three companies, because they have the right combination of features, quality, and price for me. I have limited experience with the last two companies, but the experience that I have had was very good:

From personal experience:

1) Emerson
2) Benchmade
3) Camillus
4) Spyderco
5) Al Mar

(no particular order)

I carried Benchmade CQC7s for years, and then bought new Emerson models. Both have excellent QC. Spyderco as well- as long as you stay away from the lousy Zytel handles, you're ok. The micarta and steel handles are fine. Al Mar has excellent production tolerances, and I've always liked Camillus- their tiny lockbacks were some of my first knives, and the Cuda Maxx is one of my new favorites. All the knives I've had from those manufacturers have been solid.

I don't have much experience with Cold Steel except for fixed blades and swords, and those have all been excellent. They do make some low-end 'silly' stuff like the Battle Mace, the Torpedo, and so on, but for their high end knives I have not been disappointed. The Black Bear Classic is one of my favorites. And hell, the Torpedo is fun to throw!
Masters of Defense

I put Microtech and MOD on top based on consistent high quality and knives that are a bit more rugged than average knife from the others. However, I believe Spyderco and Camillus are more innovative and catching up quickly. I love the BM 940's for EDC work carry but think BM is losing the new knife market to the rest. Just my humble opinion.