Two-bladed Spydies...

Apr 7, 2002
Have there been any other than the Dyad?

An audience member at my "experimental participatory theater group" overheard me talking knives with one of the actresses, and just _had_ to show me his EDC. It was a Taiwanese POS, but I try really hard to be polite about these things.

The conversation goes on, and he tells me that at home he has a two-bladed knife, with [at least] one hawkbill blade. Then he tells me it's a Spyderco. That left me a bit nonplussed, I gotta admit. I asked three times to confirm it was _really_ a Spydie, and he seemed awfully sure.

The only two-bladed hawkbill Spydie I've ever heard of was that custom double-Civvie on BF a while back, and I sincerely doubt he's got it. :D

Now, most likely this guy's either misremembering his Dyad, or it's a no-name knife that _looks_ a bit like a Spydie (or of course that he's lying, but I'd prefer not to jump to that conclusion).

The guy's a semi-regular at the show, and I asked him to bring the knife with him next time, and hopefully he will. In the mean time, do any of y'all know what he could've been talking about?

Discuss! ;)
G-C, yes, I have seen a two-bladed Spyderco like you described (with one blade being a hawkbill). Alas, but it was in my dreams. ;)

I suggested such a knife on the forum awhile back; however, the idea went over like a lead balloon (it didn't fly). Understandably, established companies are unable to develop every knife design that is imagined by end line users (elu's).
It does sound kinda neat, dunnit? :D

The next show's Saturday night. _If_ he comes back, and _if_ he's got the knife, then I'll be there with my digicam.

I'm honestly not expecting much, but the fantasy-scenarios are fun in the mean time ;)
G-C: I too highly doubt its existence, unless he did throw a lot of cash for that double civvie.
If you want to see a double bladed Spyderco, with one hawkbill, check this:Double Kerambit

But I have very seriously doubts that gentleman you are talking about really has one of those. ;)
I don´t remember who made these....but this is some cool stuff!


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