Vaquero Grande or Sifu

Apr 7, 1999
These are the two biggest folders out there, and I want to know which one I should get. The thing is I know that I will not be using them for any cutting tasks, at least those that come up on a day to day basis--I have a swiss army for that. So seeing as how I will probably never actually use the knife, should I spend 60 bucks to get the cheaper and larger of the two, or should I get what is probably the nicer knife for double the price. The only thing that I am concerned about on the vaquero is the slippery grip with no guard. I am not worried about the lock strength on either, or how cumbersome they are to carry clipped to a pocket. Which would you get assuming they were both legal to carry?
General, I have no experience with the Sifu, but recently bought a VG.As there is a natural "palm swell" in the center of the grip,and fairly decent checkering/texturing on it, slippage shouldn't be a problem.Bear in mind, though, this baby is HUGE! 13"oal, 6" blade.That having been said, I find that I carry mine almost all the time.It makes the El Hombre look and feel tiny!

AKTI Member #A000934
"Always just one knife short of perfection!"
A Vaquero Grande was the first "good knife" i ever bought, and I love it dearly. The point is needle sharp and the flat ground, fully serrated blade was made for slashing. I have an ol model with the Kydex sheath, so I only carry it when I feel that I could be in a bit of danger, but it moves like lightning and feels great in the hand. That said, i still want a Sifu because it is a nicer knife, but for use I prefer the VG.

I have the VG and am saving my pennies and dimes for the SIFU. Both are must haves.

I have found the grip on the VG is not slippery, but it is quite large. It seemed too big at first, but now (couple of years later) I really like it.

Just in case Jim March doesn't post here. He said in other threads that he carried the VG as his regular carry for awhile. Now, his SIFU has replaced it for regular carry. Maybe he'll pop in here and elaborate for you. I also remember he made some posts about minor modifications to the VG. This would be in last years archived threads.

If you want a BIG folder, both will work just fine. Let us know which one you get first!
I've had both, and though I'm selling my last Sifu, it's only because I need the money, and I'm sure I'll buy another soon. There's just no comparison in quality to the VG. I bought my VG when it was on sale for about $35 and feel it was a good buy at that price, but I wouldn't pay much more than that. My first Sifu was a Bladeforums Sifu for which I paid full retail when it came out ($210) and I feel it was worth every penny!


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23

You gotta love the VG. It is big and sharp and at 35-40 dollars (look around for a sale) it is a steal. Smooth opening, will slice through sheets of paper in mid-air. Aggressive cutter, using CS serrations. Lightweight and conceals in my pocket. Get the VG.